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Scientists : Marriage is better

Westerners always turn to Islamic principles, but after bitter trials with the human principles they have practiced, having experienced their negative and destructive impacts on the individual and society. Scientists after the bitter trials and tribulations that Western societies experienced today, declare that marriage is considered a natural act by which man can exist and are not illegal relationships. As we know, Western scientists in the contemporary century claimed that marriage is not necessary, as man can choose his partner and live with him without marriage, children can be born without any problems.

Relying on this ideology, most started to leave the marriage and choose their partner without any contract or obligation towards it. The first negative aspects of this phenomenon began when researchers calculated the number of cases of domestic violence and came to realize that most of them occur in the homes of unmarried people., who have illegal connections. They then studied the percentage of anxious and frustrated and observed much higher percentages in these illegal homes. While the latest study included the children of those illegal "spouses" and it was a surprise.

In an article published in the London Daily Mail on 19.12.2008, researchers say marriage is considered best for children. They stated that marriage is reflected in a better way for children and that marital relations are more stable and as a result, this reflects on the resilience of children at home. They found that 70 % of criminals come from illegal homes! Children are greatly affected when they live in an illegal home and as a result this affects their behaviors and their psychological state, even at their educational level. They also found that illicit relationships are not long-term in addition to marriage, which lasts longer and gives positive results in the education of children and in the happiness of the spouses.

Marriage, honest prophetic tradition! We all know that the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said: “Who departs from my sunnah (from what I do) he is not of me.

If we meditate on the Noble Qur'an we find no mention of the partner, lover or girlfriend, but we note that Allah the Exalted since Adam, may the peace of God be upon him, said: "We said: "The Adem, live you and your wife in paradise. ” (Baqarah, 35)

Marriage is considered a divine law from the time Allah created Adam, may the peace of God be upon him, and this law has continued for thousands of years and there have been no errors or negative results of the marriage process, but when man changed this law, problems began to appear and negative results began to appear on the surface, then researchers began to call for the necessity of returning to marriage as a natural process.

Allah the Exalted says: "And one of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates, to calm down next to them, putting love and mercy between you. Really, in this there are signs, for people who think. ” (Rum, 21)

As if Allah Almighty wants to prove to us through this noble verse that it is necessary to apply the law of marriage and not to oppose it, and that "marriage" itself is considered an argument and a miracle that deserves to be considered.: "There are signs in this, for people who think. ” What would happen if the man left the marriage?! Disorders and family destruction will begin, the crimes begin and the generation of criminals appears.

Praise be to Allaah, who has enriched us with this excellent tradition.

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