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Albania is a member of the UN Security Council for the next two years

Shqipëria është zyrtarisht anëtare e Këshillit të Sigurimit për dy vitet e ardhshme pas votimit në Asamblenë e Përgjithshme të OKB-së

This marks the first time the selection in this function, not 65 years since its membership in the United Nations, where supported by 175 UN member states from 190 seats that took part in the voting.

Security Council, a UN body with strong powers, consisting of 15 MEMBERS, 5 of which permanent, US, United Kingdom, Franca, Russia and China have veto power as well 10 non-permanent members, with a two-year term.

Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana and the United Arab Emirates were in the race, without competitors from the respective regions, ABOUT 5 COUNTRIES.

To be elected, each had to secure two-thirds of the votes of UN member states. The vote was secret. Albania is the only country that has never been a member of the Security Council. Candidate countries will replace five current members, Estonia, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam.

The mandate of the new members starts on 1 January 2022 and will serve up to 31 December 2023. The other five states in group e 10 non-permanent members are India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway.

The Security Council is committed to international peace and security. It has the power to send peacekeepers to troubled regions, as well as approve sanctions.

Sipas VOA-s, his actions are supposed to prevent and resolve conflicts, but in the last years, critics say the views are contradictory, especially among the five permanent members, have blocked decision-making on urgent matters.

"The actions of the Security Council in recent crises have been miserable.", told VOA the director of Human Rights Watch for the UN, Louis Charbonneau.

"On the war crimes in Gaza, massive human rights violations in Myanmar, or crimes in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, much that the Security Council has done, even this, if he has been lucky, it was just an expression of concern ".

Annual voting for the election of 5 from 10 non-permanent members, gathers hundreds of diplomats on the premises of the General Assembly, where candidate countries finalize their several-month election campaign.

But the UN premises are in the heart of New York, hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. The city announced reopening three weeks ago, but some restrictions are still in place within UN premises, which will result in a small number of diplomats being physically present at the vote.

Candidate countries will replace five current members, Estonia, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam.

The mandate of the new members starts on 1 January. The other five states in group e 10 non-permanent members are India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway.

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