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Recent study: If you have had mild symptoms of COVID-19, you may have more immunity

If you have had mild symptoms of COVID-19, you may have more immunity.

A study conducted by the University of Washington in St. Louis has concluded that people who have passed the coronavirus with mild symptoms have antibodies almost a year after recovery.

This study refutes previous claims, according to which antibodies could be removed in a shorter period of time. The study concluded that immune cells continue to make antibodies even after the antibody level drops..

The results show that patients had antibodies up to 11 months after they had passed Covid-19, the team that participated in the study said that antibodies can stay for life in these patients.

"Last fall, there were reports that coronavirus antibodies could be removed shortly after infection. STILL, this has been a misinterpretation of the data. The level of antibodies decreases, but do not go down to zero, they remain inactive. We discovered cells that produce antibodies as well 11 months after the first symptoms. These cells will be active and produce antibodies throughout life. "This is a strong test of long-term immunity.", said Dr. Ali Ellebedy, the main author of this study, which was published in the journal Nature.
77 were the persons who were studied. mainly, they were with mild symptoms, while only 6 of them were hospitalized. They were given blood samples each 3 month. In the first months, antibody levels decreased, however they did not disappear, but became inactive.

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