Associations help the poor

To educate children about self-respect

Children are the most beautiful flowers and the most delicious fruits of this world. Their parents are them, that bring them to life, who care for them and who prepare them for life. This mission starts in educating them with a sense of self-respect.

Respect for oneself arises, formed and consolidated at an early age. Parents and teachers are them, who need to know how to treat this problem in children, as delicate as they are necessary. It is a difficult task, that is realized, if they manage to combine right, the percentage of love, given to children, at the request of the account. None of them should be missed or given in excess.

If importance is given to the former, meeting every need, every whim, every pleasure of every request, growing up, children want, that everything they see, everything they touch, everything that is before them, become theirs, without asking who they violate, whom they hurt, whose property it is, who want to appropriate it. Does the parent have the options, to give everything the child wants? Product of this treatment, will be a capricious child, pet, violent, non-communicative with friends, with a pronounced tendency to be "caught" in the group or in the collective.

If the second one is slaughtered, holding them accountable for everything and constantly, judging every action he performs, shouting and criticizing them for everything, not allowing him to express himself and ask for something, it, there is another very great evil.

Product of this treatment, will be a child without initiative, scared, without courage, without courage, submissive to anyone, object of violence by the strongest and often, unmotivated and dangerous aggression.

Everything should be given to the child in moderation. Ai, at every moment he must feel the love of his parents and other people, that surround it, to be met, according to the possibilities of the family, material and spiritual needs, to be stimulated and praised for every good deed he performs. Ask the child, to express his thoughts on a certain topic. This thing enables him, to judge correctly about different situations and about friends. at the same time, they need to be educated with etiquette, of respect, of gratitude and correctness in society. It should be made clear to the child in practice, THAT, not everything he sees and likes, must acquire it. As a worthy citizen, he must know, that every man in this world, has his own personality and no one can submit to another or trample on the lives of others.

I did this analysis, to underline the fact, that every direction which man takes in life, has an initial foundation, on which the personality is formed. This is education, that gets in the family and at school. Personality determines human character.

Respect for yourself, is one of the main phenomena of character. If you know how to respect yourself, you have control over everything: I know how to control the actions you take, know how to achieve the goals you have set for yourself, I know how to take responsibility for what your job is, knows how to ask and receive, to the extent that it does not harm others, know how to put under brain control, your feelings and emotions. If you could respect yourself that way, naturally you also respected the rest of society. Respect yourself, by no means, to like yourself and to overestimate yourself. This is the negative side of the coin.

During the exercise of my profession as a teacher and educator, I have encountered characters from a variety of children. As for any teacher, the best and most talented, have remained in our unforgettable memory. But the teacher finds it very difficult, forget even a group of students, with whom we had to work hard and patiently. We have encountered extremely critical actions and examples, where parents have not always judged their children's mistakes objectively. In these cases, they do not support the work and efforts of the school, to create a unique education front. JUST, from here begins the deviation of the character of children, therefore all together to contribute more, for the future of our children. Awareness of society, it is a necessity of time. Lefteri Gjoshe (retired teacher)

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