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Mass vaccination is expected to start in Kosovo on Tuesday, meanwhile available only 97 thousand vaccines

They are left alone in Kosovo 97 thousand e 933 COVID-19 vaccine, and mass vaccination is expected to begin nationwide on Tuesday.

So far in Kosovo through the COVAX program and the European Union as a donation have come in total 196 THOUSAND 210 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

more 28 March have come 24 thousand doses of AstraZeneca- donation and COVAX, then on 04 may have come 4.680 Pfizer vaccine - EU donation, more 12 May, 38,400 vaccine AstraZeneca-donation and COVAX, more 18 May, 3.510 Pfizer vaccine donated by the EU. Courses, more 27 may have come 100,620 Pfizer vaccine from the COVAX foundation, 15,000 doses from the European Union Mechanism for the Western Balkans and more 10 June have also arrived 10,000 vaccine donated by Croatia, by the COVAX alliance.

Coordinator of the Vaccination Center "October 1", Niman Bardhi today at a press conference, tha se data 15 June is definitive for the start of mass vaccination of the population.

Minister of Health, Arben Vitia at the government meeting on 28 mars, had said that the mass vaccination plan implies the administration of a much larger number of vaccines within 1 month in the Republic of Kosovo that is thought to be between 300, 400 thousand vaccines per month.

from 196 THOUSAND 210 vaccines coming to Kosovo, to date have been given about 99 thousand doses. Courses, for mass vaccination remain only also 97 thousand e 933 doses of vaccines.

And if you look at the number of vaccines that are left and the plan mentioned by Minister Vitia to vaccinate 300 apo 400 thousand people a month, it falls to the vaccine to have only in the first week of mass vaccination.

Regarding this issue, KosovaPress has contacted the spokesperson of the MoH, Faik Hotin but he has not been accessible.

Otherwise, so far it is known that the MoH has bought over 1.2 million doses of vaccines which will arrive by the end of the year.

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