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Tragedy with 10 victims in Croatia, the bus driver is arrested: I fell asleep at the wheel

The driver of the bus that caused the tragedy in Croatia where they lost their lives 10 Kosovo Albanians and above 40 remained injured was arrested.

Deputy Municipal State Prosecutor in Croatia, Slavko Pranjic said that the driver of the bus that crashed this morning in Croatia has stated that he was asleep for a moment.

"The driver was arrested on suspicion of driving inappropriately. What are the reasons for this, we can not say for now. He stated that he fell asleep for a moment, but we will determine it later, "said the Croatian official.

MPJD officially stated that they lost their lives in the tragic accident in Croatia 10 Kosovo Albanians, 44 have received medical assistance as a result of injuries, WHEREAS 15 are in the most serious condition for life.

Kosovo's ambassador to Croatia stated that fortunately there are no children among the victims. They were returning from Germany when the bus went off the road in Croatia.

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