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Useful story: Did Hoxha take them? 1000 francs

At a rally, where Hoxha of the village also participated, something unusual happened
The hosts had forgotten about the table near which sat the Hoxha of the village, a banknote of "1000 francs". After the gathering, Hoxha and the attendees greet the host and go to their house.
The man of the house, looks for the banknote but cannot find it. He spent a long time discussing with his friend, to ask or not the Hoxha of the village if he has seen them, as he was sitting near the table where the money was.
Sometimes they said we would ask, other times you were ashamed, as they did not believe that Hoxha had received them even though an inner voice was telling you: "Did Hoxha take them?" 1000 francs on the table ”.
Discussing man and woman, whether we will ask Hoxha or not, time passed and it became flat one year. After a year, they got the courage to go and knock on Hoxha's door. He welcomed them and the man politely apologized and asked about the "1000 francs" lost, if he had seen them on the table, the night he had been a guest at their home.
After listening to the man attentively, The imam of the village began to cry! The man felt bad as he had no desire to offend her and told her he was not suspecting him. But Hoxha interrupted him and returned it: “Po, I saw "1000 francs" on the table. I took them in order to make sure they would not be lost and placed them inside the Qur'an which was nearby. I thought when will you read something from the Quran, do i gejsh ato!”

Borrowed …

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