Associations help the poor

Interesting story: farmer, the boy and the donkey

One day a villager and his son took the donkey to the market to sell it.
On the way they met two young men:
- "Look at these", said one of them, pointing. "On the mend.", spare the ass while torturing themselves".
Upon hearing, the peasant put the boy on the donkey while he continued walking.
It wasn't long before they met a group of men who were discussing. One of them came before the others and said: "Look men, this argues what i said before. There is no more respect for the old. The son sits on the donkey while the father walks.”
Upon hearing these words, the villager told the boy to get off the donkey, and rode on it himself.
So they made a piece of road, son standing while father riding donkey, until they met a group of women with children.
“Why you man, you sit on a donkey, while the boy barely walks behind the donkey", a woman yelled at him.
The peasant thought a little about the words the woman said to him. He took the boy and they both rode on the donkey.
Approaching the city, a man drew their attention:
"Too bad! This donkey doesn't seem to be yours".
The villager told him that it was his.
“If only it were yours, you wouldn't charge him like that", returned the husband. "Look how you are. You two are so strong, so that it would be better for you to carry the donkey than for the donkey to carry you."
Then they both got off the donkey. They tied his legs with a rope, they put him on a log and threw him over their shoulders. So they approached the bridge near the city.
The people around had not seen anything like this and began to laugh out loud. Their laughter scared the donkey, who started kicking in fear. The rope with which he had tied his legs broke and the donkey fell from the bridge into the water.
So the villager and his son returned home empty-handed.

"He who tries to please everyone, fails to satisfy anyone…!”

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