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The story about the king and the seed: how sincere we are?

A wise king from the Far East was old, so he knew it was time to choose his successor…

Instead of choosing one of his own children, he had decided something else. One day he called all the young men of his kingdom and told them: "The time has come for me to give up and choose my successor, and I have decided to choose one of you."
His children were shocked! STILL, the king continued: "I will give some of you some of it today. A special seed and asked you to plant it, take care of it and after a year come back here. Then I will choose the next king!”
A guy named Ling who was present that day, as if everyone else got the seed. He went home and told the case to his mother. She helped him choose the best soil and a vase to plant the seed. The boy carefully cultivated the sown seed and watered it regularly. For each day he looked to see if the plant had begun to grow. Approximately after three weeks, some started talking about their own seeds and plants which have started to grow.
Lingu regularly checked the vase, but nothing came out. Five weeks passed, but still nothing. Some already talked a lot about their plants, but Lingu was desperate for his case. Six months passed and still nothing - Ling had only one jar full of soil. He even began to doubt if anyone had destroyed his seed.
Already everyone had tall plants, but he nothing. STILL, Lingu just kept quiet and said nothing to anyone.
Constantly waiting for his seed to start growing and developing.
A year passed and all the young men of the kingdom brought their plants for inspection. Ling told his mother he would not send the emptied vase, but sincerity prevailed and went with his empty vase. He was amazed by the variety of plants he noticed there, were very beautiful, in different shapes and sizes. As Lingu placed his empty vase on the floor while others laughed. Some even teased him.
When the king came, looked at the space and greeted those present. Lingu tried to hide a little behind the backs of others out of shame.
The king said: "My dear ones, all the plants and flowers you have brought are extremely beautiful. Today someone has to be appointed as my successor!Speaking, he noticed Ling's empty vase and ordered the guards to bring it to him.. Lingu was very scared, thought to himself, the king knows I have no success. Maybe he will kill me!
When he arrived before the king and those present, the king asked him what his name was: "My name is Ling", he replied. Meanwhile, those present mocked him. The king asked them to calm down. Look at Lingun, then those present were told: "This is the new king! His name is Ling!Lingu could not believe it. He could not cultivate a single seed. How can he be king?!
Then the king said: "A year ago, all were given by some. I told you to plant it, cultivate it and bring it here before me today. For, I then gave you boiled seed which can not germinate and grow on plants. Yet all of you, except Ling, you brought me plants, trees and flowers. Lingu is the only one who was brave and sincere to bring the empty vase. THEREFORE, he will be your new king from today!”

Customizing: Lutfi Muaremi

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