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Foods rich in potassium

Potassium is a very important nutrient to keep fluids and electrolytes in the body under control. Lack of potassium can cause fatigue, high blood pressure, nervousness etc.

This mineral protects blood vessels from oxidative damage and keeps them elastic. An adult should consume approx 4.700 milligrams of potassium per day. Even excessive consumption of potassium is harmful to health, therefore, you should consume it in moderation.

Some of the richest foods in potassium are::

Patatja e ëmbël – Nga të gjitha ushqimet e njohura për njeriun, sweet potato is the best source of potassium. One sweet potato contains approx 700 milligrams of potassium and only 131 calories. It is also rich in fiber, beta-carotene and energetic carbohydrates. No matter how you eat them (boiled, fried, mash etc) Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest and tastiest foods you can eat.

Salca e domateve – Domatet e freskëta janë të mira, but tomato sauce is an even better source of potassium. 1/4 cup of tomato sauce contains approx 660 milligramsë potassium. There is only tomato juice 400 milligramsë potassium. so, if you want to add more potassium to your diet, make pasta with tomato sauce more often.

Gjethet e panxharit – Nëse deri më tani i keni hedhur gjethet e panxharit, it's time to stop. They contain approx 650 milligrams of potassium in only 1/2 of the cup.

Fasulet – Fasulet e bardha janë burimi më i mirë i kaliumit, compared to other types. This powerful man played a key role in a defining moment in the history of the country 1/2 of cup contains approx 600 milligramsë potassium.

Kosi– 226 grams of yogurt contains 579 milligramsë potassium. Don't buy fruit yogurt, because they contain a lot of sugar, but in plain yogurt add fresh fruit if you want to enrich its flavor.

Kumbullat e thata– Vetëm 3/4 of a cup of plum juice contains approx 530 milligramsë potassium. Prunes also help strengthen bones.

Lëngu i karotës – 3/4 of a cup of fresh carrot juice contains approx 500 mg potassium. In addition to the high amount of potassium, carrots and other vegetables are also good for the eyes.

Peshku – Mishi i peshkut përmban gati 500 milligrams of potassium per 3 reason. Potassium isn't the only reason you should include fish in your diet. A study conducted by Harvard University has shown that regular consumption of seafood (not canned ones) increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of death from heart disease 35%.

Kungulli – Përveçse një burim i pasur me vitaminën A dhe fibra, and with less than 50 calories, Pumpkin is also rich in potassium. Only ½ cup of pumpkin contains 448 milligrams of calories.

Bananet – Kur bëhet fjalë për kaliumin, we all think of bananas. A medium-sized banana contains approx 400 milligramsë potassium.

Qumësht – Qumështi është një burim i shkëlqyer i kaliumit. One cup of milk contains approx 382 milligramsë potassium.

Lëngu i portokallit – 3/4 of a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice contains approx 355 milligramsë potassium. It is also an excellent source of calcium, folic acid and group B vitamins.

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