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Preferred foods to eat for iftar and suhoor

All those who fast the month of Ramadan, want to have the best mahogany food.

For, it is often not seen how those foods affect health.

What foods should you consume for suhoor?

At suhoor you should eat proper food that supplies you with energy during the long days of fasting..

Syfyr should contain these foods: Fruits and vegetables

Since they are rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables are essential during fasting, as they increase the feeling of being full, as well as prevent constipation.

also, they contain vitamins and minerals which are vital for good health.

Rice and other alternatives

Carbohydrate and fiber foods like brown rice and whole wheat bread take longer to digest, which keeps energy levels longer.


Chicken meat, fish and other fat-free cheese products are an amazing source of protein, as well as limit fat. In addition, they help strengthen the immune system and maintain strong bones.

Proper food for iftar

Iftar is the time when you recharge your energy levels, so here you have to consume them all It is not preferred to overdo it

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