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The daughter of the Italian politician converts to Islam

The news about the conversion of the daughter of the former Italian parliamentarian to Islam has caused a stir in the Italian media….

"Hijab is my way of life, which Allah has chosen for me ", - wrote on her Facebook Manuela Franco Barbato, which is now called Aisha - reports Giornale.

"This is the divine law to which I owe", she said.

Aisha is the daughter of Franco Barbato, former MP of the "Italy of Values" party.

This young girl has decided to convert to Islam while studying at the "L'Orientale" University of Naples. She is currently a graduate and a mother of two. She lives with her family in Indiana.

Aisha's decision to convert to Islam has shocked her father who is said to have gone through a difficult period since his daughter converted to Islam.

Although covered, Aisha supports her father's candidacy for mayor of Naples.
According to statistics published by the state agency ISTAT in Italy live about 1,7 millions of Muslims, including 20.000 converted.

The Pew Research Center in January published a study according to which, 63 percent of Italians have negative views of Muslims.

The Greeks are in second place with 53 percent, while most of the French, the British and Germans have a positive view of Muslims.

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