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"Member States of the Organization of Turkish States express solidarity with Kazakhstan"

The Organization of Turkish States issued a statement of solidarity regarding the developments in Kazakhstan, transmits Anadolu Agency (AA).

"The member states of the Organization of Turkish States in the light of recent events in Kazakhstan, "Emphasize the importance of peace and stability in Kazakhstan and express strong solidarity with our member country Kazakhstan.", said in the statement.

Noting their belief in the prudence and desire of the Kazakh people to return to normalcy, The member states of the organization stated that “We are confident that Kazakh officials have the capacity to resolve tensions peacefully and to restore order and peace.. We declare that we are ready to provide the necessary support to the government and the Kazakh people. ".

The statement also expressed condolences to those who lost their lives in the event and wished a speedy recovery to the injured..

Kazakhstan together with Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are located between 5 members of the Organization of Turkish States.

Turkmenistan and Hungary are also among the observer members of the organization.

The organization was formed in 2009 with the name Turkish Council and changed its current name to the summit held in Turkey in November 2021. /aa

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