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Zaev: We did everything, next is the EU

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, last night addressed the citizens of Skopje and opened the first tribune of the caravan "The best for our municipality".

In the introductory part of the speech, Zaev referred to the current situation with the European integration process and overcoming illogical blockades on the road to the EU.

"I bring you greetings from Paris, from the capitals of all of Europe, greetings translated into strong and sincere support for our country, whose capital is our beautiful Skopje. Skopje is proud and respected when Northern Macedonia is proud and respected. It is very important for us EU member states, including France, to support the EU integration process.

Ahead of us is the European Council Summit in June, a real opportunity for a step forward and a solution that will lift the blockade on our European path. Dialogue brings solutions and the most important prosperous solution for us now is the solution to start negotiations, approved by all EU member states ", said Zaev.

He stressed that the country has done everything necessary in the reform process and meeting the criteria and that now it is the turn of the European Union.

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