Associations help the poor
5 Families in the municipality of Skopje 2014


5 Families in the municipality of Skopje 2014

Ibrahim Rexhepi was helped with 100,-frz 5000,-denars with food 23.12.2014 the FMMZs

Sheqeri Ajdari was helped with food by fmmz with 100,-frz or 5,000,-denar with 23.12.2014

Hisen Halili was also helped with food from fmmz with 100,-frz or 5,000,-denars with 24.12.2014

Sejlahe Sadiki was helped with food by fmmz with 100,-frz or 5,000,-denars with 25.12.2014

Asan Asan was helped with food by fmmz with 100,-frz or 5,000,-denars with 24.12.2014

below we will show you some photos of the families who accepted the food

I give these tools to our brother Arafat Sali from Haraqina, may God reward him for the work done. Amen


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