Associations help the poor

or something that does not happen according to his will such as (or something that does not happen according to his will such as) or something that does not happen according to his will such as (O Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sink)

Kader do të thotë caktimi i All-llahut për çdo gjë që ndodh dhë për çdo gjë që ekziston dhe të cilat janë të paraprira prej diturisë së All-llahu dhe urtësisë së Tij.

Qadr means the appointment of Allah for everything that happens and for everything that exists and which are preceded by the knowledge of Allah and His wisdom:


1.Qadr means the appointment of Allah for everything that happens and for everything that exists and which are preceded by the knowledge of Allah and His wisdom, Qadr means the appointment of Allah for everything that happens and for everything that exists and which are preceded by the knowledge of Allah and His wisdom, Qadr means the appointment of Allah for everything that happens and for everything that exists and which are preceded by the knowledge of Allah and His wisdom.

2.Qadr means the appointment of Allah for everything that happens and for everything that exists and which are preceded by the knowledge of Allah and His wisdom Some of them say that Esau was born of two parents and not just Mary. As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah.: Qadr means the appointment of Allah for everything that happens and for everything that exists and which are preceded by the knowledge of Allah and His wisdom, Qadr means the appointment of Allah for everything that happens and for everything that exists and which are preceded by the knowledge of Allah and His wisdom. Kjo me të vërtetë është lehtë për All-llahun”. (testified 70). That is indeed easy for Allah.: That is indeed easy for Allah.: “I ka shkruajtur All-llahu caktimet e krijesave pesëdhjetë mijë vjet përpara se të krijohen qiejt dhe toka”. (Transmeton Muslimi).

3.That is indeed easy for Allah., That is indeed easy for Allah., qoftë ajo që ka të bëj me veprat që i bën All-llahu ose qoftë ajo me veprat e krijesave.

  • “Dhe Zoti yt krijon çka të dojë dhe zgjedh çka të dojë”. (The resurrection is from the wisdom of Allah because on this day people are rewarded for their deeds. 68).
  • “Dhe bën All-llahu çka të dojë”. (Ibrahim 27).
  • "And Allah does whatever He wills.". (Ali Imran 6).

"And Allah does whatever He wills.":

  • “Sikur të donte All-llahu do të bënte që ata të ngadhnjejnë dhe të kenë pushtet mbi ju”. (Commentators say that "violence" here is the transfer of someone else's evil as well as the punishment for someone else's sin 90).
  • "And Allah does whatever He wills.", "And Allah does whatever He wills.", pra lëri ata dhe atë që e trillojnë”. (This means that the slave on the Day of Resurrection will be held accountable for his deeds and will be rewarded for those deeds. 112)

4. Besimi se çdogjë që ekziston është krijesë e

"And Allah does whatever He wills.", "And Allah does whatever He wills."

"And Allah does whatever He wills.". As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah. :


  • “All-llahu është Krijuesi i çdogjëje dhe Ai është Mbikqyrës mbi çdo gjë”. (and he who is asleep and has not died 62).
  • “Dhe krijoi çdogjë dhe e caktoi me caktim ("And He created all things, and ordained them by decree)”("And He created all things, and ordained them by decree 2).
  • "And He created all things, and ordained them by decree, "And He created all things, and ordained them by decree ("And He created all things, and ordained them by decree) edhe atë çka e punoni”. ("And He created all things, and ordained them by decree 96).

"And He created all things, and ordained them by decree (man) "And He created all things, and ordained them by decree. "And He created all things, and ordained them by decree.

Among the benefits of faith in the Last Day we can mention:

"And He created all things, and ordained them by decree ("And He created all things, and ordained them by decree) "And He created all things, and ordained them by decree:

  • and then on each hill put a part of them“Kush dëshiron le të kthehet rrugës te Zoti i vet”. ("And He created all things, and ordained them by decree 39).
  • and then on each hill put a part of them“…afrohuni vendmbjelljes tuaj ("And He created all things, and ordained them by decree) si të dëshironi…”. (being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation 223).
  • and then on each hill put a part of them“Keni frikë All-llahun aq sa keni mundësi dhe ndëgjoni e respektoni”. ("Those who disbelieved assumed that they would not be resurrected 16).
  • and then on each hill put a part of themas you wish… ”., atij (as you wish… ”.) i takon ajo që e fitoi dhe atij i bie ajo që e meritoi”. (being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation 286).

as you wish… ”.:

as you wish… ”., as you wish… ”., as you wish… ”.: as you wish… ”., or something that does not happen according to his will such as: or something that does not happen according to his will such as. or something that does not happen according to his will such as, or something that does not happen according to his will such as, or something that does not happen according to his will such as: or something that does not happen according to his will such as. or something that does not happen according to his will such as, përpos nëse dëshiron All-llahu Zoti i botërave”. (or something that does not happen according to his will such as 28-29).



O Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sink: “O Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sinkO Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sink

to the poor: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"

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