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Don't let boredom overwhelm you

Don't let boredom overwhelm you
that only the black flower in your life will bloom
Really withered feelings will bloom
and take out the flower of joy from the heart

But you fought with the medicine of smile
and prevent it from the beginning

When you're sad, you don't win
on the contrary, it destroys itself
and others are sad
while Satan, your enemy is happy

When he is bored, he spends it
your life goes in vain
and uselessly wastes the pearls of time
boredom destroys you little by little

oh man, do you care about the world?
when you know her very well
with its problems and complications
deceive you. Why don't you show yourself?
wise, look on the positive side of things
don't think too much about the future
nor for the past,that doesn't come back
Think that ALLAH has blessed you
I'm Muslim, the light of life
and that he honored you with Salafism
The guiding torch towards the paths of happiness!

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