Associations help the poor

Omer Ajdini: Albanians in Macedonia are excluded from the system

Omer Ajdini from ASH invited to the show "Road to" in Alsat talking about the loyalty of citizens to the state, said that Albanians are wronged if they are asked to do so because this state discriminates against them. According to Aydin, Albanians in northern Macedonia are not even symbolically represented.

"Albanians in northern Macedonia are not even symbolically represented, in the hymn, on the flag, on the coat of arms and so on. Albanians live a reality that is discriminatory and unequal.

The average income for a citizen of Macedonian ethnicity is 13 thousand denars, the average income for one of the Albanian ethnicity is 8 thousand denars. The vast majority of the poor are in the western part of northern Macedonia. Albanians are not represented in institutions, are excluded. Not to mention justice. In this way, you have no way to love this country "- said Ajdini.


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