Associations help the poor

3 - I want it in the rain

Bie shi,
Darkness has covered,
Dalengandale raindrops fall,
Thoughts have covered me,
a whole life I spent…

I am now in this time of thought,
dance how my life has flowed,how much has changed…

The years go by,
koha ecen,
my traces in time stagnate,
steps throw slowly ,
darkness, the day ends,
my daily deeds piles up…

Days walk,
life goes on,
dance when my life
will end,
dance how the trials will continue,
works are collected,
sins continue…

Raindrops fall,
darkness has covered,
the past life is gone,
te lus Ty, O Allah the Exalted,
please forgive me for the time spent,
te lus Ty, O Allah the Exalted
that you have added to my worship,
my sins are not written
of good deeds, to have been multiplied by me…

Bie shi,
darkness has covered,
dalengandale raindrops fall,
mendimet me kane mbuluar,
mendoj per jeten e shkuar,
per ate qe me pret,
duke u lutur
Te lus Ty, O Allah the Exalted
lutjet ne shi te mi kesh pranuar.

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