Associations help the poor

3 - When you sin against Allah…

When you sin against Allah…
do not eat at His risk!
Is it right to be nourished by Him?
and then to do injustice?

You wanted to oppose Allah
come out of His kingdom!
Is it right to oppose Him?
and then to live in His kingdom?

If you will be shown
disobedient to Allah
do not sin
where He can look!

It is not right to live in His Kingdom
to eat at His risk
and to sin
where He can look!

When the angel who takes the souls comes
ask permission until you repent and return to Him!
You can not mix that angel
so repent before it comes!

On the Day of Resurrection
when Allah commands you:
‘Those who have committed sins
to Hell to go!’

Ti mos prano
even though they order!
but know that there
they do not hear the word!

So think hard
before you sin against Allah,
always remember..
and for every sin you have committed

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