Associations help the poor

membership fee. 2020

Antarsia e FMMZ-es per year 2020

No Name LAST Country Pay
1 silver Adam Switzerland 1200.-French
2 Gzim Adam Switzerland 500.-French
3 Imrzat Asipi Switzerland 1800.-French
4 Loot Bedding Switzerland 120.-French
5 Ismail Salman Switzerland 100.-French
6 Irfan Ljoki Switzerland 100.-French
7 Rahim Ljoki Switzerland 20.-French
8 Afije Shabani Switzerland 120.-French
9 Fahad Tmava Switzerland 500.-French
10 Zeneti Xhemaili Switzerland 250.-French
11 Fashions Anonymous Switzerland 200.-French
12 Alisha Osmani Switzerland 100.-French

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