Associations help the poor

Fmmz help the Sadiku family

The Swiss Muslim Sisters Foundation helps sister Erjona Sadiku ,18 year old from Ferizaj , with 300,-euro in this video the mother of Erjona Bukurije Sadiku speaks 44 year old for the condition of the girl ,Erjona suffers from Rosacea and Erjona's sister Vanesa Sadiku suffers from Scoliosis and both have excellent grades. .

You can help in this way:

Western Union : Vanesa sadiku

Ria: Vanese sadiku and Bukurije sadiku

Mony gram: Vanesa Sadiku

Bank accountancy :

2013000205268139 TEB Bank

Ne emer te Vanese sadiku

Ferizaj place

Contact numbers :

+38349693353 AND +38345616713.

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