Associations help the poor

What is Zakat ?

The meaning of Zakat
All-llahu say:

The example of the wealth of those who give it in the way of Allah is like a grain from which sprout seven ears of corn., while in each cob there are one hundred grains. Allah multiplies it (REWARD) to whom he wills, Allah is the Most Generous, I know the goals. ”
Zakat is obligatory with the Qur’an and Hadith - the main sources of Sharia, as a necessary religious duty, farzi ajn, of every wealthy Muslim man and woman, who according to the Shari'ah possess a certain amount of wealth - nisab.

The obligation of zakat derives from several verses of the Qur'an, and in particular it is emphasized in surah Tewbe:

"Take from their wealth (of those who admitted the error) alms to purify them with it and add to them (the good) and at the same time pray for them, that your prayer is reassurance to them. Allah hears and sees.
"And in their wealth they had determined the right of the beggar and the beggar (who needs but does not beg).”

It follows from the Qur'anic injunctions that zakat is a duty and a right. Duty of the rich to the poor, while the right of the poor to the rich.

Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also set the percentage of zakat distribution: "Divide one fortieth of your wealth" (means, 2.5%),

The meaning of the word Zakat
The word zakat means purification, or washing. It also means augmentation, gROWTH.
In the spiritual sense, Zakat means purification from sins and satisfaction of the will and command of Allah (swt).
Zakat purifies and frees man from greed for the good of this world.
It leads to the recognition that human worth is measured by moral and human virtues, and not according to the position and size of the property.
Zakat also means the possession of property by law (hakku) foreign, for man is never sure even in his care that something impermissible has not been introduced into his wealth.

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