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A woman tells us about her life and says:

My husband passed away, while I was in my thirties and was left alone with the five children we had together. The world was dark in my eyes, I cried every day, I was very upset, my soul narrowed and I preferred death to living in that state!

I was very worried! I had small children and no material income, I spent every day that little resource left to us by the children's parent.

WHEREAS, one day I was in my room and I was listening to a religious show on the radio and I heard the scholar saying that the Messenger of Allah, may the glory and peace of Allah be upon him!, said: "Who falls istigfar without interruption, Allah will remove all worries, will give him a way out of any situation and will supply him from where he does not hope. "[1]

After I heard the scholar and his advice, I started doing istigfar (apology) often and I also ordered the children to do often during the day and night. Less than six months passed, only that project planning was done on some of our old properties and companies replaced us with millions! My son became the best student in the region and memorized the Qur'an. The house began to fill with kindness and we began to live in prosperity. Allah has made all my children well, boys and girls, and sorrow departed from me, worries and annoyances, and I became a happy woman!

Where are we from the word of Allah: "I told them: "Ask forgiveness of your Lord, who is the Great Forgiver, that He may send you abundant rain, to increase your wealth and your children, and to make for you gardens and rivers!”[2]

From Arabic: Irfan JAHIU

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