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"dummy" pilgrim:

qUESTION: My father died last year, but he wanted to make Hajj this year...
Is it permissible for me to send another person to perform Hajj for him?? Is it necessary for this person to be close to us?? And what is the issue with the Sacrifice that is done in Hajj, is it done in my father's name, or on behalf of the one who will perform Hajj for him?
Is it better to perform Hajj more than once: Praise belongs only to Allah.
If the Muslim dies after his opportunity to perform Hajj, then his successor must perform Hajj for him, or authorize someone else to perform the Hajj, from the property of the deceased, because this is his debt and the debt is more priority to be returned.
It is not necessary that the person authorized for Hajj be someone close to you. While the Qurbani that is made at the time of Hajj is made in the name of your dead parent, not in the name of the one who is authorized to perform Hajj. This if the sacrifice is a necessary part of the Hajj, but if the Hajj he performs is Ifrad, then he does not wait for Kurban, except if he makes a stop which obliges the cutting of the Kurban, then he waits for the Qurban.


Shejh Abdul Kerim el-Hudejr

to the poor: "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."

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