The poem
1 - O you who desire Paradise..
December 5, 2015
O you who desire Paradise
valle.. for you a po punon
days of life in the world
valle.. how are you spending them?
Days pass quickly
your life is getting shorter
every day the same story
is expected one day to repent..
Valle.. do you think man
that you have time to repent
who gave you the guarantee
that you are so sure?
Days of life
pass quickly
and time in the world
You Paradise
he asks
valley for you
a po punon?
Paradise is earned with difficulty
not in the world having fun
that pleasure and comfort are made at home
not along the way confused
This world is transient
one day you will leave her
to Allah you will return
happy or sad
You choose how you act
in this fast-passing world
the days of your life
and the time how he spends it
It takes work and patience
rather than wasting time without thinking
but spend the seconds of your life
Worshiping Allah
You Paradise
he wants it
valley for you
a po punon?
Valle.. where is your effort
to seek knowledge?
to fulfill obligations
that the Creator has given you
Valle.. where is the night prayer?
which is the custom of the pious
yes fasting of the day?
numerous dhikr throughout the day?
I lose
He wants paradise
but with your deeds
what it shows?
Repent of the past tense
return to Allah the Exalted
improve yourself
strengthen the connection with Allah
You have been given a Life
An opportunity..
how you spend it
you choose this..
If in Paradise
will be happy to go
mos harro be per te
you need to work…!
2- Have you forgotten the Day of Judgment? ?
December 5, 2015
We live in this world
the days pass quickly..
while we get confused
for the future we do not thinkJudgment Day
we have forgotten..
that Day when we will go out
before Allah the Exalted!That day when the weights are lifted
the books of life are browsed
when the sun is very close
of people by sweat are coveredWhat will be our attitude?
when all will be gathered,
naked, barefoot and waiting
worried and scared?As people are called one by one
to appear before Allah the Exalted
to be asked and taken into account
for what in the world they have workedAnd then when a voice is heard:
"Where is so-and-so?, and son of so and so?”
..when they call your name
while you frightened freeze in place!It was your turn
before Allah you have to stand
what language will you speak
and yourself how will you reason?How will your condition be
standing before Allah?
worried and scared
reading the book of your life ..!While everyone is listening
every secret will come to light
the good and the bad that you did
for all you will be accountableHow many works you have forgotten
they will be mentioned and you will be asked about them, man
how bad you did them
will be mentioned and taken into accountDance how you will answer?
what do you mean?
That Day when your condition
be difficult?O you man
that after the world you wander blind
Judgment Day
have you forgotten?They respond very quickly
returns it by denying!
.. while with your deeds
shows that you forgot!!Allah gave you a life to worship
and while you are thoughtlessly confused..
do not miss this chance in vain
that one day you will be taken into account!!!3 - When you sin against Allah…
December 5, 2015
When you sin against Allah…
do not eat at His risk!
Is it right to be nourished by Him?
and then to do injustice?You wanted to oppose Allah
come out of His kingdom!
Is it right to oppose Him?
and then to live in His kingdom?If you will be shown
disobedient to Allah
do not sin
where He can look!It is not right to live in His Kingdom
to eat at His risk
and to sin
where He can look!When the angel who takes the souls comes
ask permission until you repent and return to Him!
You can not mix that angel
so repent before it comes!On the Day of Resurrection
when Allah commands you:
‘Those who have committed sins
to Hell to go!’Ti mos prano
even though they order!
but know that there
they do not hear the word!So think hard
before you sin against Allah,
always remember..
and for every sin you have committed
4- Exam Grade !
December 5, 2015
Allahu, dunjane has decorated it
many of the people with him have been deceived
an exam has been done for people
to see how they have to actWho is the friend of Allah
will be clarified
or Satan's helper
that has deviatedLife exam
has already begun
valle, are we prepared
to be tested?!Our works
jane argument
for the testing that is happening
in realityBut who hopes
for his reward in the Hereafter
has to work hard
in this lifeIn the exam of life
we are more or less tested
with orders and stops
bad and goodDeserving of praise or humiliation
reward or punishment
valle, I ask myself:
"Will we pass the 'Exam'? ?!”O does and Allahut
that you are being tested
your trials, your faith
have to testPermes tests
your faith will be distinguished
patience, obedience to Allah
has to be testedDo people think
that will be left undisturbed
and that they have not
to be tested?!Life exam
has already begun
ka per te dal ne pah
each man, according to that
that workedO you man
that you fear punishment
it is up to you to prepare
for the exam gradeTo know how our situation is
to know what grade we deserve
let us prepare and hope
to at least pass the life exam!!!5- Do not forget… !
December 5, 2015
Do not forget…That Allah is above the ThroneHe also watches you in secrettherefore turn away from sins and fear Himeven when you are aloneDo not forget…That God created you for a purposethat you worship Him the Exaltedso be careful not to reach the goaland then become one of the desperateDo not forget…That worldly life is transientand you are on the journeydo not be distracted by the station of the worldthat the life of this world is but play and amusementDo not forget…That the caravan of people moves forwardwise and deceived are on the journeywhich of them prepares for the trip winsand for every one who is deceived there is miseryDo not forget…That your enemies are on alertto strike with loss have desireluftoje nefsin tend, worldly and satanicthat you are on the side of Allah and He will helpDo not forget…That you should live according to the Book of Allahand the Sunnah of His Messengerto be in the Manhaj of Es Salafus Salihin order to gain His PleasureDo not forget…That life may seem long to youbut it is not as you thinkbe careful to fear Allah at all timesthat death is not known when it can comeDo not forget…That the Angel of Death that takes soulsis awaiting His commandto come and take your soul toowhether prepared or carelessDo not forget…That grave life is scaryyour eye is accustomed to lightwhile the tomb from darkness is coveredand you will be alone every dayDo not forget…That Israfil is waiting for the command of Allahto blow the Trumpet furiouslyand then the Day of Judgmentand each to be taken into accountDo not forget…How will you appear before Allah?how will you respond when you take into accountO servant of Allah with all these sins on his backdance how you will return to Him?!-
6– Kthehu tek Zoti yt i penduar !
December 5, 2015
O ti njeri i shkujdesur
qe me gjynahe je duke vazhduar
jeten tende duke plotesuar
ditet e tua duke i mbaruar
perfundimin tend duke e percaktuarDhe sa kohe larg Zotit tend
do te qendrosh?
sins, veprat e mira nuk t’i mundesojne
rrugen tende nuk e drejtojneEcen mendjemadh ne toke
gjynahi yt nuk te rendon
shume shpejt e harron
dhe veten e justifikonVazhdon te ecesh
dunjaja te mashtron
si nuk le dicka te dunjase
si nuk e sakrifikon
me Ahiretin ta nderrosh!O ti njeri i shkujdesur
dunjaja te merr me vete
te con ne vetekenaqje
lufto nefsin tend
mos lufto per reputacionin tend
por shiko lidhjen qe ke krijuar me Zotin tendSa shume lodhesh per dunja
sa kohe dhe mund ti harxhon
po per Ahiretin tend
pse valle nuk punon?Ecen i shkujdesur
me gjynahe vazhdon
nuk te bejne me pershtypje
je mesuar tashme,
nuk i kushton me vemendje
te kane lene gjurme ne zemren tendeTashme tek ty mungon ndjenja e fajit
te vjen turp prej njerezve
por nuk ke frike prej Zotit
per veten tendeA je ndal per t’i bere llogari
vetes tende?
por ty me shume te rendon
kritika e njerezve!Po pendimin tend
have you forgotten?
llogarine e duhur
e ke neglizhuar!Nje dite do te paraqitesh
para Zotit tend
aty do te deshmojne veprat e tua
nuk te bejne dobi
as ndjesa jote, as arsyet e tuaKije frike Allahun
kudo qe te jesh
per cdo gjynah
jepi masen qe i takon
dhe kthehu i turperuar
nese do qe Zoti
t’i fshije gjynahet e kaluara
kthehu tek Zoti yt i penduarSyri loton
zemra zbardhet
gjynahet largohen
pendimi i sinqerte pranohetHidh dhe ti nje hap
te lidhesh ate lidhje
qe kushdo do ta kete
afrimitetin me Zotin tend
eshte lumturia veteKthehu tek Zoti yt
i penduar
Falja, ne librin tend
te jete shkruar
Kthehu i sinqerte
qe pendimi yt te jete pranuar!-
7 – Vizitori i fundit !
December 5, 2015
Kur akrepat e ores
shenojne kohen e caktuar
Dikush,, nje vizitor
vjen per te te takuarValle nga kjo vizite
c’fare eshte duke kerkuar?
A mos do pasurine tende
qe e ke fituar?Already, ai s’kerkon
as ar, as pasuri
Por ai, te do ty
only obeys Allah and who turns his back, e asnjeriVizitori i fundit
per ty eshte derguar
Ai vjen me urdhrin
e Allahut te lartesuarAi eshte engjelli i vdekjes
qe shpirtin tend kerkon
Eshte vizitori i fundit
qe te vizitonAi nuk preket
nga e qara me ngasherim
Marrja e shpirtrave
per te eshte detyrimKur zemra te pushoje
tik taku te ndaloje
Me urdher te Allahut
rrahjet ti ndalojeKur shpirti te shkeputet
prej trupit te largohet
Allahu eshte Ndihmuesi
ndihma prej Tij kerkohetKur syte te mos veshtrojne
kur veshet te mos degjojne
Gjuha eshte ndaluar
fjalet jane mbaruarKur buza te jete thare
kur zeri te jete shuar
lavderuar qofte Ai
qe na ka krijuar
qe na solli ne dunja
Per ta adhuruarSa je ne kete jete
akoma pa u larguar
Pergatitu per viziten
me vizitorin e derguarNje jete, Nje mundesi
Nje zgjedhje, Nje fund
Lumturi pergjithmone
Ose vuajtje pafund! -
8- Seconds of life !
December 5, 2015
Sekondat e jetesrri dhe i mendojndersa shiriti i jetesshpejt me kalon
Kushedi sa sekondakot kam shpenzuarsa vepra te mirakam neglizhuarQofte dhe sa buzeqeshjenuk i kam dhuruardhiker, perkujtimune i kam harruarZotit me shumet’i isha afruar
Sekondat e jetesshpejt jane duke kaluarvalle, nuk e di sa nga jeta imekam harxhuarSa sekonda te shpejtaqe kalojne me nxitimme pune te pavlerashkojne pambarim
Cudi se sa ngadalekalon cdo sekondme pune te mirame adhurimLe t’i hedhim nje syjetes sone te shkuarsa sekonda kotne kemi shpenzuarMiljarda sekondaqe kemi harxhuardhe sa pak jete na duketse kemi kaluarsa pak perjetimeper t’u kujtuarSa sekonda te jetesnuk dime t’i vleresojmeato kane vlere, si guret e cmuarnese Kuran do te kishe lexuarsa shume shperblime do ishin shkruar
Ndaj mbushi sekondate jetes tende me adhurimdhe nga Allahukerko shperblimSekondat e jetesjane nje mundesifshehin thesare dhe pasurinese i perdor per miresiper pune te mira dhe nijetin tend mos e nderropor gjithmone Kenaqesine e Allahut syno!-
8 – Bileta e udhetimit!
December 5, 2015
Bileta e udhetimit te jetes
eshte porositur
Une, nuk e di pse nuk jam pergatiturUdhetimi i jetes, me ka filluar
ne udhe e shtigje, jam duke kaluarSfida e sprova, kjo jete te pret
udhetimi i jetes, nje dite do te mbaroje
valle jeta ime, se si do perfundojeValle, si nuk jam e ndergjegjesuar
bileta e udhetimit eshte porositur
destinacioni im eshte caktuar
jeta ime, grumbull ditesh duke u mbaruarCdo dite qe kalon
ora e udhetimit shpejton
ne destinacionin tjeter kam per te shkuar
Berzahu dhe Ahireti perpara ne udhetimin tim
jane shtuarBileta e udhetimit
eshte porositur
Valle per udhetim, are we prepared
destinacioni jone eshte caktuar
valle, a po punojme per Xhenetin e amshuar?10 - Prepare for travel . . !
December 5, 2015
We are travelersWe aim for heavenWe belong to Allahand to Him we will goDuring this journeyin the world, let's stop for a whilewith the sole purposeto worship Allah
In the life of this worldwe have to trywoe to anyone who errsgood luck to the winnerAllah watches over usin every step of this lifeso we have to thinkthat we will prepare for ourselves!The years go bylife goes ontime offthe world is endingWe are updated every dayhow our compatriotsour caravan was dislodgedand towards Allah they goSome leave sadthat after all they have been deceivedthey did not prepare for the triptherefore there is only misery for themSome leave happybecause they worked for the HereafterThey worshiped Allah in this lifethey prepared and escapedO does and Allahutyou are a traveler of this lifevalle, what worksyou will take it with you?Hurry up, a lot per Hereafterto be happy foreverand may Allah reward you with ParadiseLive in this world as a travelerand prepare for your trip as soon as possible...!
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