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Albania among European countries, with more deaths from road accidents

In Albania, in year 2019 lost their lives 227 person, according to INSTAT data.

In relation to the population, the place scored 80 fatalities from road accidents for 1 million inhabitants.

This figure ranks Albania among the countries with the highest deaths from road accidents in relation to the population and almost 60% higher than the European average, according to other Eurostat data.

Romania leads in Europe, me (96 road traffic victims per million inhabitants), Bulgaria (90) and after it comes Albania (are not data for other countries in the region).


According to Eurostat, in year 2019, the number of people killed in road traffic accidents decreased by 2.5% compared to 2018. The total number of people who died in road accidents in the EU was 22 756, of which 44% were in the car, 20% pedestrian, 16% on motorcycles, 9% on bicycles and 11% in other categories (including light and heavy vehicles, buses and coaches, engines and other vehicles).

There has been a downward trend over time 10 recent years in the number of road traffic victims in the EU. Compared to the year 2009, the number of road casualties has dropped by more than 10 000 person (-31%), by almost 33 000 in less than 23 000 IN 2019.

Compared to the population of each Member State, the lowest levels of road casualties in the year 2019 were observed in Sweden (22 road traffic victims per million inhabitants), Ireland (29), Malta (32), The Netherlands and Denmark (both 34), ahead of Germany and Spain (both 37).

At the opposite end of the scale, the highest levels were recorded in Romania (96 road traffic victims per million inhabitants), Bulgaria (90), Poland (77) and Croatia (73).

In year 2019, had total 51 road traffic victims per million inhabitants in the EU as a whole.

In Albania, according to INSTAT, 87% of deaths in accidents are caused as a result of the behavior of drivers and 13% by pedestrians.

Contrary to the declining European trend, instead in 2019, deaths from road accidents increased by 6.7%, compared to the previous year. /monitor

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