Associations help the poor

10 - Prepare for travel . . !

We are travelers
We aim for heaven
We belong to Allah
and to Him we will go
During this journey
in the world, let's stop for a while
with the sole purpose
to worship Allah

In the life of this world
we have to try
woe to anyone who errs
good luck to the winner
Allah watches over us
in every step of this life
so we have to think
that we will prepare for ourselves!
The years go by
life goes on
time off
the world is ending
We are updated every day
how our compatriots
our caravan was dislodged
and towards Allah they go
Some leave sad
that after all they have been deceived
they did not prepare for the trip
therefore there is only misery for them
Some leave happy
because they worked for the Hereafter
They worshiped Allah in this life
they prepared and escaped
O does and Allahut
you are a traveler of this life
valle, what works
you will take it with you?
Hurry up, a lot per Hereafter
to be happy forever
and may Allah reward you with Paradise
Live in this world as a traveler
and prepare for your trip as soon as possible...!

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