Associations help the poor

5 - Be alone for Allah

Alone for Allah
away from people for a while go
remember your journey
and think about the Hereafter

You are also a nevojshem
for your God
that He is your leader
on your journey

Remember that the day will come
that you will leave this world
and everyone will abandon you
except your works

All your wealth
that you gathered in the world
family and children
you leave everything behind

You will lie under the ground
you will be isolated
in your abandoned grave
and desperate

You will feel lonely
and then you will understand
that your chance is over
what you worked for you will win

And when your horn blows
people rise from their graves in terror
they will appear before Allah
to be judged

It is the Promised Day
for which we have been notified
where everyone will be judged
according to what worked

Your Lord is the overseer
who sees your work in the world
He does no injustice to anyone
not even a particle

So count yourself
before you count
and remember how much time has passed
that by Allah you are not alone?

O does and Allahut
you are needed by your Lord
so be alone for the sake of Allah
and draw near to your Lord

In the darkness of the night
away from humanity
return to Allah
be alone for the Lord of all

Feel the joy of the soul
and rest of the heart
close to Allah
and the connection with You
whisper the prayer in silence
and return humbled
only for you

Direct Him
which is al-Mujib
and from Him seek
than those who pray to him
The Most High loves them

Your God is generous
Gentle and Merciful
He is loving
when you turn to Him

Who knocked
ne deren e Tij
and he did not open it?
who asked
and he did not give them?

Your Lord is the Giver
so turn to Him
with the best request!

Alone for Allah
and from Him seek
humbled, in silence and alone
necessary for your Lord and repentant
scared and full of hope
with tears in my eyes and longing
Approaching Allah
and His Paradise hoping for it!

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