Associations help the poor

4 - Forsake sins and repent

Who took them out?
from Heaven, our parents?
A single sin
qe ata well!

Who took it out of the sky?
Damn Satan
after all that worship
that he acted?

Who made it possible for the wind
to triumph over the Ad people
until he dropped them dead
above ground?

Who sent the shout
the people of Themudi
until their hearts burst
inside the body?

Who overturned it?
the people of Lut,
stones rained down
as God's punishment!

Who sent it to the network?
the people of Shuaib
when they were flaming overhead
fountains of fire?

Who drowned Pharaoh?
and his army at sea
and then took their souls
in Hell?

Who exterminated Karun?
that showed arrogance
house, wealth
and his family?

Who brought these punishments?
murder, robbery, destruction, tyrant
health in monkeys and pigs
and more recently the condemnation of Fire?

They are mistakes and sins
that bring punishment
disobedience to the Almighty
for man it is misery

Bulls of sins
jane teper te medha
not only in the Hereafter
but also in Dunja

Guilt does not save
without any penalty
but man from ignorance
I don't know what punishment awaits him

So it continues unabated
unthinking makes mistakes
you think it's okay
when you don't see the consequences

But the poison of sins
it hurts the person
until Allah's severe punishment
it comes quickly and does not delay

But if the man
look at you go away ia don
in time he caught the disease
and cures it with medicine

I forsake sins
and returns repentant
in the way of Allah's punishment
to have left him

O does and Allahut
you were very wrong
turn away from sins
and return repentant

Indeed, Allah forgives
He is Gentle and Merciful
He is very happy
when you repent to him

Abandon sins and repent
that you are away from Allah's punishment!

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