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otherwise the man if he plucks his eyebrows he too will be cursed like a woman?

question: Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted?


Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted (May Allah have mercy on him)

Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted, Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted (Says Allah Almighty) Are eyebrows plucked and adjustedAre eyebrows plucked and adjusted”, Are eyebrows plucked and adjustedAre eyebrows plucked and adjusted”.

Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted:

Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted (Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted) Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted. Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted, since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation (Out). since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation, says Allah: “(since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation) since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation”. (Commentators say that "violence" here is the transfer of someone else's evil as well as the punishment for someone else's sin 119)

since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation:

Are eyebrows plucked and adjusted (since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation) since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation. since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation, since such a woman is cursed in the Hadith and is also part of the change of Allah's creation, otherwise the man if he plucks his eyebrows he too will be cursed like a woman. otherwise the man if he plucks his eyebrows he too will be cursed like a woman, otherwise the man if he plucks his eyebrows he too will be cursed like a woman.

to the poor: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"

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