Associations help the poor

Fetva no. 294


I study and I am in the faculty, in some cases I greet my classmates, the salam I am giving to my friends is it halal or haram!?




Is for: Boys and girls are not allowed to study together in one place, for such a thing leads to fitnah.

The second: If he gives the salaam as it is given according to Islam, then it is allowed and there is nothing wrong with it, but this salam should not be like a connecting bridge of continuing the conversation, approaching, ETC..

Salam if given according to the Shari'ah and does not cause fitnah, allowed to be given.

For, should be covered sister (even the face) properly and should not speak to the one who greets him.

For, if he greets her with lust or to approach that girl and this greeting becomes the reason for starting fitness, we say that for you giving salaam to her or those girls is forbidden.

Sheikh Abdulaziz Ibn Bazi, May Allah have mercy on him.

From Arabic: Suad Shabani

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