Associations help the poor

The article in the original can be found here

Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, është e lidhur me veprimin e Tij dhe është pjesë e dëshirës dhe vullnetit të Tij, Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah.

Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah. Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah. Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, Love is one of the practical qualities of Allah, but we see its traces.

but we see its traces:

1- but we see its traces (but we see its traces):

but we see its traces (radijAllahu anhu) but we see its traces (but we see its traces) tha: but we see its traces, but we see its traces (telling): but we see its traces, but we see its traces. but we see its traces, but we see its traces: but we see its traces, but we see its traces. but we see its traces (Dear) but we see its traces[1]

2- Allah loves her good and her action:

Says the Prophet (but we see its traces): Allah loves her good and her action, Allah loves her good and her action, Allah loves her good and her action (Allah loves her good and her action) Allah loves her good and her action[2]

3- Allah loves her good and her action:

but we see its traces (radijAllahu anhu) se Pejgamberi (but we see its traces) said: Allah loves her good and her action:

Allah loves her good and her action[3]

4- Allah loves her good and her action, Allah loves her good and her action:

Allah loves her good and her action (radijAllahu anhu) but we see its traces (but we see its traces) say: "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."[4]

5- "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them.":

Says the Prophet (but we see its traces): "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them.": "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."? Tha ("Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."): "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them.", "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."[5][6]

to the poor: "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."

[1] Bukhari (3209)

[2] "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."

[3] Bukhari (6502)

[4] "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them." (2110)

[5] "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them." (7/217)

[6] The article in the original can be found here: When we wake up from sleep://The article in the original can be found here

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