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Roasted Chestnuts - Great Health Benefits December 23, 2021

The release of chestnuts on the market is news welcomed by all.

This is not only due to the fact that chestnuts are delicious.

They are soft and bring to mind the festive atmosphere of family dinners.

The best ways to taste chestnuts are by boiling or roasting.

Nutritionists say that roasting chestnuts deepens their characteristic aroma, sharper taste but above all retains their fantastic values.

Health Values ​​of Ripe Chestnuts

Digestive System

Chestnuts are very rich in fiber.

The latter is essential for the smooth running of the digestive system.

It also lowers cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

According to the data , an amount of 85 grams of roasted chestnuts offers 4 grams of fiber.

Chestnuts contain mainly indigestible fiber which cleanses the intestines of food waste.
Energy Levels

Unlike other nuts, chestnuts contain high amounts of carbohydrates.

An amount of 85 grams of roasted chestnuts contains 45 grams of carbohydrates.

They are needed for short-term and long-term energy in the body and help the function of the nervous system.

The carbohydrates contained in chestnuts are complex, which means that they are digested slowly and the energy they provide is stable.
Roasted chestnuts for brain health

Chestnuts contain fat-complexing B-complex vitamins.

They help in the production of red blood cells, for protein breakdown, energy conduction, skin health and brain functions.

An amount of 85 grams of roasted chestnuts find 21 % of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B-6.

According to the data , the same amount offers 15% folate, 14% thiamine and 9% riboflavinë.

A meal rich in B vitamins can be complemented very well with green salad, lean meats and roasted chestnuts.

This important antioxidant fights free radicals that increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Manganese also plays an important role in preventing aging.

An amount of 85 grams of roasted chestnuts provides 1 microgramë manganese.

This amount makes up 50% of the recommended daily dose.

If you want a rich breakfast with this mineral you can consume oats with roasted chestnuts.

An amount of 85 grams of roasted chestnuts provides 22 % of the recommended daily dose of copper.

This mineral is essential for the immune system but also for the bones.

You can combine roasted chestnuts with prunes for a copper-rich meal..

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