Associations help the poor

Reasons Why You Should Eat Olives Every Day December 23, 2021

Olives are classified as kernel fruits of the same botanical family as cherries and peaches..

Green olives are harvested at the beginning of the autumn season while black olives are harvested when fully ripe.

Both types are considered rich in healthy fats for the body.

Improve bone health

Një studim i fundit suggests se vaji i ullirit parandalon humbjen e masës kockore.

Therefore the consumption of olives is highly recommended for strong bones.

Lower cholesterol

The fatty acids in olives lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

The pain goes away

Studimet kanë treguar se ullinjtë ndalojnë zhvillimin e enzimave responsible for the appearance of inflammation and pain.


Olives are an excellent source of biophenols.

These antioxidants, manage to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels.

They are rich in good bacteria for the stomach

Olives contain lactobacillus, one of the best bacteria for the stomach.

The more good bacteria we have in our stomach, the better the digestion will be and the less inflammation we will have in the body

Effective against wrinkles

Olives contain oleic acid which keeps the skin soft and healthy.

Actually, eating olives improves the appearance of the skin and removes wrinkles with at least 20 percent.

Reduce the risk of diabetes and overweight

Këto fruta me bërthamë janë të pasur me yndyrna mono-të-pangopura dhe reduce the risk of developing diabetes të tipit 2 and overweight.

This good comes if you do not consume fatty foods and choose olive and its by-products.

Reduce excessive appetite

Olives contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids that slow down digestion and stimulate hormones that are responsible for informing the brain that you are full..

Consumption of olives is highly recommended as often as possible.

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