History and prophet
History and Ademit a.s.
We dedicate all praise and thanksgiving to the Lord of the universe, We dedicate the most sincere peace and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and all those who follow his path until the Day of Reward..
In the following lines, we will deal with the stories of the prophets of God, stories which contain many valuable messages and lessons.
Says God Almighty in the Noble Qur'an:"We will tell you (Muhamed) the most beautiful story through the revelation of this Qur'an, though you, Really, you were not aware of it before. "(Yusuf, 3)
"We are telling you their story according to the truth." (Kahf, 13)
"Tell them these events, so that they can think. ” (Purgatory, 176)
These verses speak to the importance of stories and stories. These are the methods that the exalted God has followed for the revelation of the Holy Qur'an. With such stories, God gave heart and courage to the Prophet Muhammad a.s to stand firm in the face of challenges and difficulties. They have the same impact on the generations after the Prophet a.s. Muslims have an obligation to study these events, meditate on them and draw lessons.
In the Qur'an, God has mentioned many stories about His prophets and messengers. We find some of these stories detailed, while some of them are presented to us in summary.
The prophets mentioned in the Qur'an are twenty-five. Some of these prophets are mentioned in the verse:
"This is Our argument," he said, which We gave to Ibrahim against his people. We raise whoever we want to a high degree. really, Your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. We gave him Isaac and Jacob. We guided both of them to the right path, as we had instructed Noah before. Among his descendants We guided David, Sulaiman, Ejubin, Yusuf, Musa and Harun. This is how we reward the righteous. We also guided Zechariah, Jahjain, Isa, Iljazin - all of them have been good people. As well, we also instructed Ismail, Eljesain, Yunus and Lot - we raised each of them above all the people. " (en'am, 83-86)
On the reason why the stories of the prophets are treated in detail in the Qur'an, God says:We are telling you some of the stories of the messengers, to strengthen the heart. In this surah the truth has come to you. It is a reminder and a reminder for the believers. " (Skin, 120)
For, they are to strengthen the heart of the Prophet a.s and to give him courage. They were identifiable to the truth over which people were in dilemma, as well as to correct many concepts and principles neglected over the years and centuries. The stories of the prophets also contain many advices and messages for the believers.
Says the exalted Lord:”From these messengers, we raised some of them above others. To some Allah spoke directly, while others he raised to high ranks. We gave it to Jesus, son of Mary, test (Miracles) clear and helped with the Spirit of Holiness (Xhebrailin a.s.). If Allah willed, the people who came after the messengers would not kill each other after the advent of clear evidence, but they were divided: disa besuan, while others denied. If Allah willed, they would not kill each other, but Allah does as He wills. (Baqarah, 252)
"Even before you (he Mohammed) We have started sending, for some of whom we have told you and for some others we have not told you. ” (Mu'min, 78)
These stories are mentioned in the Book of Allah, contain custom tips and are a model for anyone who reason and reason. God says about this fact:In their stories (of the messengers) there are tips for those who are wise. Ky (Koran) it is not a fictional story, but he is the confirmer of them (BOOKS) that have been proclaimed before him, is the expounder of all things and the guide and mercy for people
FAITH. (Yusuf, 111)
Such were the prophets and messengers of God. They were beacons guiding the lost to the right path and salvation. They were and remain the best role models for humans."These are them, whom Allah has guided to the right path, therefore you too (he Mohammed)follow their path.” (en'am, 90)
Since the creation of the first man on earth, God has sent prophets and messengers from time to time, to guide people to the right path. In a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad a.s, it is said that the number of messengers exceeds three hundred of them. And the number of the prophets exceeds one hundred and twenty-four thousand. To the Children of Israel whenever a prophet died, another prophet was sent to continue the mission. It even happened at the same time and in the same place, to send two prophets. They were sent by God with the tribal mission, to save humanity. Whenever mankind suffered deviations from the way of God, prophets and messengers were sent to guide them back to the right path.
While fulfilling their mission, the prophets and messengers faced many challenges and problems. Their toil and sacrifice can not be described and all this to fulfill the mission with which God had obliged them. Their existence is real, it is even a necessity and necessity for all mankind. It is inconceivable that God created the people and did not send among them prophets who draw their attention whenever they err.. This is done so that people have no reason and are not justified when they appear before God.
"It simply came to our notice then, so that you (o people) not to say on the Day of Resurrection: "We did not know that." (Purgatory, 172)
Every nation has had its prophets, this fact is also mentioned in the Qur'an:"Popull there was not a nation that did not receive a warning." (Fatir, 24)
Characteristics of the stories of the prophets
What distinguishes the stories of the prophets from other stories and narratives, is that they are real and real. They have nothing to do with stories that are the offspring of fantasy. The stories of the prophets are stories lived by mankind in different periods of time.
Another characteristic of them is that they contain many lessons and benefits. They are not stories that are read to pass the time and to have fun. Each of their stories conveys principles and concepts full of value and meaning. They are a guide for everyone, at any time and place. We must act according to the advice and messages of these wise people and distance ourselves from the mistakes and mistakes made by their peoples.
By deeply studying the stories of the prophets, we note that they form the axis of human history. All human history revolves around the prophets of God. It is true that many military commanders, many kings and emperors have played a significant role in determining the course of events in history. But the influence of the prophets in determining the course of history, it is many times larger and deeper. The history of mankind is truncated and incomprehensible if not accompanied by the stories of God's prophets and messengers. This is reinforced by the fact that today's conflicts, are conflicts between truth and perversion, among the followers of the prophets and their enemies.
Another characteristic of these stories is that they greatly facilitate the understanding of the Qur'an. If you have no knowledge of the stories of the prophets, you find it very difficult to understand the Qur'an. Many verses speak of the stories of the prophets and if I do not know the full story, you can not understand many concepts. History and Ademit a.s., Nuhut a.s, The Children of Israel, etc.… is mentioned in a considerable number of verses. Many surah names, bear the names of prophets. Based on this, one who does not know the history of the prophets, does not understand a considerable part of the Qur'an.
Approaching the stories of the prophets, we learn the methodology we should follow as we invite others to Islam. Each of us dreams of being an inviter in the way of God, to command for good and forbid from evil. In order to follow the most positive path in this regard, we need models and parables. Undoubtedly our best role model is the Prophet Muhammad a.s, which God confirms in the Qur'an where He says:”There is a wonderful example of this in the Messenger of Allah, who hopes in Allah and the Last Day and mentions Allah much. ” (Ahzab, 21)
Prophets and other messengers, rank directly after the Prophet Muhammad a.s, as models and practical examples. Companions of the Prophet a.s and learned people, come after other prophets and messengers.
In an accurate hadith narrated by the Prophet a.s it is stated:"For God! After the prophets, No one has stepped on this earth better than Abu Bakr. ”
The position and rank of the companions of the Prophet a.s, no matter how high it is, it is not on the same level as that of the prophets and messengers of God.
The stories of the prophets are mentioned in the Noble Qur'an as well as in the prophetic tradition. These two sources were inspiring to many scholars and historians, who wrote history books about the lives of the prophets. The most famous books on the stories of the prophets, is that of Ibn Kathir, which bears the name "Stories of the Prophets", books and Taberiut, Ibn Athir etc… It is precisely these references on which I have relied during my approach to these stories. New of my treat, is that I have considered all that is said about the prophets, rejecting Israeli narrations and inaccurate hadiths, relying mainly on the correct hadiths as well as the comments of the erudites of tafsir. The most frequent commentaries on verses that speak of prophets, are those of Abdullah ibn Abbas, as well as Ibn Kathir and Ibn Jarir.
"We are telling you their story according to the truth." (Kahf, 13)
"It simply came to our notice then, We're telling you (he Mohammed) some stories of the past. Ky (Koran) that we have given you, is a Tip from Us. ” (Taha, 99)
The origin of creation
After this brief introduction, let us return to history before the prophets, before the messengers of God, before the creation of man, EVEN, before the creation of the universe. Says God exalted in the Qur'an:"Allah is the Creator of everything and He is the Guarantor of everything." (Zumar, 62)
"He created the heavens and the earth in six days, then ascended the Throne. He knows what enters the Earth and what leaves it, what descends from heaven and what ascends to it. He is with you wherever you are; He sees everything you do. ” (Hadid, 4)
He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, while His Throne was above the water. ”(Skin, 7)
Imam Ahmad - may God have mercy on him - narrates that Abu Ruzayn asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):O Messenger of God!! Where did God stand before He created the heavens and the earth??”
The Prophet a.s replied:"He was standing in the void. Above Him was infinite space and below Him was yes infinite space. Then, He created His Throne on the water.
In another hadith, which is narrated by Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi and many others, Ubade ibn Samit says:The Messenger of God said:The first thing God created was a pen. He ordered it:I write!”And from that moment, the pen wrote everything that will come into existence until the Day of Judgment. ”
The pen wrote everything God dictated to him from His knowledge, which is found in Leuhi Mahfudh.
Muslim scholars have different opinions on the first thing created by God. Most of them think that the first thing is the one narrated by Amr ibnul As, which says:”God has written the fate of all creatures, fifty thousand years before he created them. then, His Throne was above the water. "
For, it is clear that God first created his Throne and then created the pen. After them were created the heavens and the earth. THEREFORE, when it is said that the pen is the first thing God has created, we mean that she is the first to have created from the things of this world.
This is confirmed by the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari from Umran ibn Husayn who says:The Yemeni delegation told the messenger of God:"We have come to increase our knowledge of religion and to ask about the origin of creation." The Prophet a.s replied:There was only God and there was nothing before Him. His Throne was above the water. He marked in Dhikr (REMINDER) everything. Then He created the heavens and the earth. "
After God created the Throne, has created the pen, which he ordered to mark in Leuhi Mahfudh, everything that will come into existence until the Day of Judgment.
Other creatures
Concerning the creatures that followed the Throne and the pen, we possess a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad a.s which is narrated by Imam Muslim, that Aisha has said:One day the Messenger of God took me by the hand and told me:God created the earth on the Sabbath, created the mountains on Sunday, created the trees on Monday, created the evil on Tuesday, created the light on Wednesday, created the animals on Thursday and created Adam a.s on Friday afternoon (FRIDAY).”
The last creature created by God, was exactly the man. Already, Islam's attitude towards the theory of evolution is clear. Nothing has evolved, but everything is created in its form. Ademi a.s (man) was created the last day of the week and the last hour of this day.
Before the creation of man, God had created the angels (angels). God says in the Qur'an:”
"The heavens almost do not split from above (by the majesty of Allah), while the angels praise and glorify their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on earth. ” (Shura, 5)
In an accurate hadith, The Prophet a.s says:"Angels are created from light, jinn are created from fire, and Adam was created as described. "
In turn, the creation of jinn followed that of angels. God says in the Qur'an about the creation of jinn:”while He created the jinn from the flames of fire. " (Rahman, 15)
The jinn are created from the last part of the flames of fire, from the peaks.
The fact that jinn were created from fire, accepted and satan, who told God:”You created me from fire.” (Purgatory, 12)
"And before him We created the jinn from smokeless fire." (Hixhr, 27)
Satan himself (Iblis) is of the jinn, fact which is mentioned in another verse, where God says:”except Iblis. He was one of the jinn. " (Kahf, 50)
Says Hasan Al-basrij, May God have mercy on him:"Iblis was not an angel, no matter how fast he closed his eyes."
The land which today is inhabited by humans, at that time it was inhabited by jinn. What happened is that the jinn wreaked havoc on earth, they killed and slaughtered each other and shed blood.
Ibn 'Umar and Ibn' Abbas say:The jinn existed two thousand years before Adam. They shed a lot of blood. Then the Lord sent soldiers from the angels, who drove them to the islands in the oceans. "
To this day, islands located in the oceans, are the dwellings of jinn. It is mentioned in many hadiths that Iblis has his throne above water.
The creation of man
God says in the Qur'an:"I created the jinn and men only to worship Me.” (Dharijat, 50)
In this verse, God speaks of the objective and purpose of the creation of man and jinn. Certainly God does not need our worship. He is Almighty and unnecessary for anything. He possesses beautiful names and high qualities. In order for these names and qualities to be reflected, God created man and jinn. In order for His mercy and compassion to be reflected somewhere, he created the creatures to have mercy on them. This also applies to the knowledge of God, His wisdom, power and strength.
The story of the creation of the first man, Ademit a.s, begins before its creation, with a dialogue between God and the angels.
“When your Lord said to the angels: "I will create a viceroy (who will obey the laws of God) on the ground ”, (Baqarah, 30)
According to this verse, man is the vicegerent and responsible for the well-being of life on earth. "He created you from the earth and made you to live in it." (Skin, 61)
The jinn did not have the capacity to fulfill this mission. Muslim scholars say about jinn:The wisest of them all, he has the mental capacity of a ten-year-old child. "
And God created man in the best shape and with the maximum abilities to fulfill the mission on earth. It was God who shaped man and breathed his last.
When they heard about God's plan, the angels wondered and asked:”they said: "Will you put there someone who will make a mess and shed blood on it, while We glorify you, to praise and exalt as it belongs to You?!” (Baqarah, 30)
The angels did not address this question as a sign of opposition to the creation of Adam a.s.. nothing, angels are infallible creatures and do all that God commands them. They asked this question simply to quench their curiosity.
The question that arises is: How did the angels know that man would make a mess and shed blood on earth??
They did so based on their experience with the jinn, two thousand years ago.
The cause of the question of the angels, it was something else. They feared that they had left something lacking in worship to God. They mention this clearly in words:” while We glorify you, to praise and exalt as it belongs to You?!”
God's answer was:"I know what you do not know". (Baqarah, 30)
Before such an answer, with each other the angels said:Let our Lord create whatever He wills, after whatever it creates, she will not be more privileged and more knowledgeable than we are. ”
The angels had noticed that of all the creatures created until then, heavens, the goal, plants, animals, jinn etc…, angels were the only creatures that glorified him, glorified, they thanked and obeyed the Lord. Seeing this, the angels thought the next creature, Whatever, will not be more honorable nor more knowledgeable than they.
When God created Adam a.s, created him from the dust of the ground. In a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban, The Prophet a.s says:God created Adam a.s from a handful of earth which he took from all over the earth. Started from this, the sons of Adam a.s took the colors of the earth. Some of them were white, black, red and mixed. Just as he was meek, boyfriend, evil, difficult and mixed. ”
According to the hadith, the diversity of people's colors originates in the diversity of earth colors, from which the first man was created. This also applies to the nature and character of each of them.
The soil that was taken for the creation of Adam a.s, got wet with water and became mud. For, originally was a fist and, which got wet with water and became mud. God says on this fact:”
“When your Lord said to the angels: "I will create a man out of clay." (Sad, 71)
Water was added to the amount of soil, until the created clay became sticky. God says in the Qur'an:"We created them from sticky clay." (Safat, 11)
When the clay became suitable, God took it and shaped it with His two noble hands. This is mentioned in the Qur'an:“O Devil, What prevented you from prostrating before the One whom I created with My own hands??” (Sad, 75)
He did not force the angels to shape the first man, but he did it himself, with His hands. Clay September, was left in that form for a period of time, until he said. Pass in tha, the statue took on the color of black mud, as the color of the vortex.
In the Qur'an, times it is stated that man was created from clay, sometimes from dried clay and other times from soil. Actually, man is created from all these, but according to a chronology, where the origin was earth, White, sticky clay, dried clay.
God says in the Qur'an:"We created man from a dry clay made of formless black clay. and before him We created the jinn from smokeless fire. " (Hixhr, 26)
"We created you and then We gave you the form." (Purgatory, 11)
As mentioned above, the creation of Adam a.s took place in the last hour of Friday. In addition, we want to emphasize that the days mentioned in the above hadith, are calculated quite differently from our days.
Regarding the appearance and dimensions of Adam a.s, in a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari, The Prophet a.s says:God created Adam a.s sixty long forearms. Since then, "Human size has been declining."
Except he was the first man created, Adam a.s is also the tallest man of all time. All the dwellers of Paradise, will have the length of Adam a.s.
In another hadith narrated only by Imam Ahmad, The Prophet a.s says that the length of Adam a.s was sixty forearms, and the width seven forearms. Such proportions show that Adam a.s more closely resembled a giant.
In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, it is said that when God shaped Adam a.s, did not equip him with spirit at once. He left it for a considerable time just like the statue. Says the Prophet a.s:When God created Adam, did he leave it in that state as much as he wanted. When he saw Iblis, began to roll around in astonishment. When he noticed that the inside was empty, The devil realized that he was a creature who did not restrain himself. "
Incontinent creature, means powerless creature. This shows that the jinn are not empty inside (stomach and lungs).
Tregon Abdullah ibn Abasi:God commanded that the earth of Adam a.s.. He created Adam a.s from sticky clay and dried clay. He shaped it with His hands and left it in that condition for forty days, body without soul. Iblis turned around and kicked him. From the blows, the statue of Adam a.s echoed. The devil was telling him:"You were created for something." Then it entered from the mouth of Adam a.s and came out from behind and addressed the angels., who were frightened when they saw him:"Do not be afraid of this! If God gives me power over him, I will destroy it. But if God gives power over me, I will oppose it. "
From the first days of human creation, the enmity between him and Satan was born.
Swelling of the soul
Everything was ready for Adam a.s. to breathe, fact which God mentions in many verses of the Holy Qur'an.
"When I shape them and blow them from My soul, you prostrate yourselves before him. ". (Hixhr, 29)
"The case of Jesus for Allah is like the case of Adam who created him from clay and then said to him:: “Be!"- and he did." (Al Imran, 59)
In a hadith, details are given of how the soul of Adam a.s was inflated. When Adam's soul entered his head, oh testtiu. The angels told him:”Say:“El-hamdulilah”. And Adam a.s said:"Al-hamdulilah." Then God, by His side he said:May your Lord have mercy on you!”
Before the whole soul is given to him, Adam a.s won the mercy and compassion of God.
When the soul entered his eyes, Adam a.s began to discern the fruits of Paradise. When the soul went to the stomach, he had an appetite for food and set out to grasp the fruits of paradise. This happened while the soul had not reached his feet. It is clear that Adam a.s had a quality, which will not be shared for life, the hurried.
God says in the Qur'an about this:"Man was created in haste." (Anbiya, 37)
After the soul penetrated to every part of the body and the creation of Adam a.s was completed, God wiped it on his back, from whence came all his descendants until the Day of Resurrection. This is mentioned as in the Qur'an, as well as in the hadiths of the Prophet a.s.
Narrated Muslim ibn Jesar, that Umar ibn al-Khattab was asked about the commentary on the verses:“When thy Lord brought forth from the children of Adam their seed, and made them bear witness against themselves., u are: "Am I not your Lord??"They responded: “Po, we prove that You are. ” So did He, so that you (o people) not to say on the Day of Resurrection: "We did not know that. Or not to say: "Really, our fathers were idolaters before us, so we too are their descendants. Will you destroy us for the deeds of those who followed the deception??” (Purgatory, 172-173)
Umar replied:I heard the Messenger of God, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say::”After God created Adam, wiped his back with his right hand, removing from there all the descendants of Adam. Ai u tha:I have created them for Paradise, and the deeds of the dwellers of Paradise will work. I created them for fire, and the works of the dwellers of the Fire will work. "
A man, intervened and asked:O Messenger of Allah! Then why did I want to work?!”
The Prophet a.s replied:If God has created someone to be a dweller in Paradise, uses it for deeds of paradise, until he dies with these deeds and thus leads him to paradise. If God created someone for fire, he uses it for acts of fire until he dies with these acts and thus leads him to the fire. "Everything is facilitated in terms of purpose."
The angels bowed to Adam a.s
Since Iblis though from the jinn, had been attached to God and worshiped Him, God had united him with the angels, although it did not belong to them. He had never broken the commandments of God. For this, God had rewarded him by raising him to the angels in heaven.
After completing the creation of Adam a.s, God commanded all the angels to submit to him, as a form of reverence for him. Since Iblis was also with the angels, this order was valid for him as well.
"We created you and then we gave you the form; we told the angels:"Bow down to Adam."!"- Everyone bowed to him, except Iblis. He was not one to be humbled. Allahu tha: "What prevented you from bowing down, when I ordered you?He replied: "I am better than him. You created me from fire, and you made it out of clay. ". Allahu i tha: "It simply came to our notice then, come down from there (Paradise)! You have no right to be proud of it! get lost, Really, you are one of the trained ". Iblis said: "It gives me respite until the day when people are resurrected!” Allahu i tha: "You are one of those who have been given a deadline". Ai tha: "Because You threw me away, I will ambush people on Your straight path and approach them from the front and the back, from the right and from the left, and thus You will notice that most of them are not grateful to you!” Allahu i tha: "Get out of there despised and excluded! Without a doubt, Hell will fill you with you and all who
go after you!” (Purgatory, 11-18)
"We created man from a dry clay made of shapeless black clay, and before him We created the jinn from smokeless fire. When your Lord said to the angels: "I will create a man out of dry clay taken from shapeless black clay. When I shape them and blow them from My soul, you prostrate yourselves before him. ", All the angels together bowed to him in prostration, Except Iblis. He refused to join those who prostrated. " Allahu i tha: “O Devil, What was the matter with you that you did not join the humble??The devil said: "I do not bow down to a mortal whom You have created from dry clay taken from formless black clay". Allahu tha: "It simply came to our notice then, get out of Paradise! You are really cursed! Let the curse be upon you until the Day of Resurrection. "!Iblis said:"My God, give me respite till the day they are resurrected. God said:"Of course you will be given a deadline until a certain day. Iblis said: "My God, because you led me to loss, I will adorn them (people) the wrong path on Earth and will lead everyone astray, except Thy sincere slaves ”. (Allahu) tha: "This is My straight path. Indeed, you will have no power over My slaves, except on the lost, to follow you. ” Without a doubt, Hell is the promised place for all of them. "(Hixhr, 26-43)
"When we told the angels: "Bow down before Adam", they all bowed down to him in prostration, except Iblis! Ai tha: "And?! I prostrate to whom You have created from clay?!"Also, tha: "Do you see that You honored me?? If You give me time until the Day of Resurrection, I will deceitfully cut off his seed, except for a few of them!” (Allahu) tha: "I! Whoever of them follows you, there will be Hell as a reward - a complete reward. Do it for yourself, with your voice, whom you can of them! Unleash all your cavalry and infantry against them! Share in the wealth of their children and make promises! -The devil's promises are only deceptions. " (Isra, 61-64)
It is sunnah for a person to start eating, means "Bismil-lah". This is so that Satan does not eat from his food. This also applies during sexual intercourse between spouses.
In all the above verses, the first sin is treated, with which the command of God was broken. He had not done anything before that the way of God was broken. Since the breaker of God's command was precisely Iblis, a creature whom God had honored, called him ungrateful.
“When your Lord said to the angels: "I will create a man of clay. When I shape them and blow them from My soul, bow down to him!”, all the angels together prostrated themselves, except Iblis; he became arrogant and one of the deniers. " (Sad, 71-74)
Based on this, Muslim scholars say:"The origin of all sins is arrogance and self-deception."
Given the risk of this sin, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) listed a number of hadeeths, with which he calls us to stay away from this habit.
Says the Prophet a.s:He does not enter Paradise, he who has in his heart as much as an atom of arrogance. ”
In many other hadiths, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade the extension of trousers under the ankle, if done for arrogance. Says the Prophet a.s:”"God does not see a man pulling clothes as a sign of arrogance."
When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) once heard Muslims bragging about the tribes to which they belonged, was called:Stay away from this, that it is something stinky!”
Tribal fanaticism, arrogance and boasting, are the origin of all other sins. So do not be arrogant with employees, servants or any other corner!
Once the soul penetrated all parts of the body, God told Adam a.s:Go to that group of angels and tell them:"Peace be upon you." (Peace be upon you). The language spoken by Adam a.s was Arabic. For, the language of the angels and the dwellers of Paradise is Arabic.
Adam a.s went to the angels and was told:As-salamu alaykum and the angels replied:"Ve alejkum salam and rahmatullah" (and peace and mercy of God be upon you).
God told him:"This will be the salutation of you and your descendants."
Adam a.s was created knowledgeable
From the first day the soul was given, Adam a.s was knowledgeable. Not as we are told today that the first man was ignorant then began to learn from experience. He learned how to light a fire, learned speech etc.… Allah created man knowledgeable and not ignorant. even, he was more knowledgeable than the angels themselves, which is mentioned in many verses and hadiths.
From day one, God taught Adam a.s the names of every thing. This is an animal, this is a bird, this is the sea, this is a mountain, etc. Abdullah This is mentioned by Abdullah ibn Abbas himself. Adam a.s learned everything that existed in heaven and earth.
In addition, God taught him all the necessary crafts, he knew how to light and take advantage of fire, worked iron and wood.
“Allah taught Adam the names of everything, then he presented himself to the angels and was told: "Tell me their names, if what you say is true!” (Baqarah, 31)
When God had declared that He would create another creature on earth, the angels had said:Let our Lord create whatever He wills, after whatever it creates, she will not be more honored and more knowledgeable than we are. ”
God told them that Adam a.s was more revered than the angels, after ordering the latter to bow down in honor. Humility in the form of reverence, previously allowed, but it is now forbidden.
In addition, was shown that Adam a.s was even more knowledgeable, for he knew the names of all things, a quality which the angels did not have.
"The Adem, - He said - show them the names of things!” (Baqarah, 33) Immediately Adam a.s began to list the names of everything.
"When he told them their names, Allahu tha:"Didn't I tell you that alone?
I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and only I know what you reveal and what you conceal.?!” (Baqarah, 33)
What the angels kept secret is their saying:Let our Lord create whatever He wills, after whatever it creates, she will not be more honored and more knowledgeable than we are. ”
As you can see, the more we delve into the details of the stories, the easier it is to understand the Holy Qur'an. Elaborating on the reasons for the revelation of the verses, many things we had before were clarified.
The creation of woman, Havasë a.s
After the creation of Adam a.s was completely completed, God created his wife Havana a.s. Hawaii was not created immediately after Adam a.s. Adam a.s lived a period of time completely alone in paradise, which made him feel lonely and upset.
One day, while Adam a.s was sleeping, God creates Havana, from a rib of the left arm of Adam a.s. Through this rib, God created the first woman, Havana a.s. Says the exalted Lord over this fact:"O people! Fear your Lord, Who created you from a single human being, and from him he created his wife. " (Women, 1)
When Adam a.s fell asleep, found a woman next to him. He asked immediately:"Who are you?She replied:"I am a woman." Adam a.s asked:Why were you created??”Hawaii in prëgjigj:"To find rest in me."
Angels, when they saw that God had created another creature similar to Adam a.s, thought to put Adam a.s to the test. Since he knew the names of everything, the angels asked him about Hava's name. so, they said:What do they call it??Ademi a.s replied:"They call it Hava." Which God had taught him.
Angels, they asked again:"Why did he get this name?"?Ademi a.s replied:"Because it was created from something living."
Imam Muslim narrates from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said::Whoever believes in God and the Day of Judgment, let him speak straight or be silent. You are instructed to treat women well, as the woman is created from a curved rib and the most curved part of the rib is its tip. If you will try to direct it, you will break it. If you leave it as it is, it will continue to bend. ”
The nature of woman is such that it is often times guided by feelings and not reason. If you try to change your behavior, which stem from her rich emotional world, you are trying to change its very nature, which is impossible. You need to be gentle and kind with your wife, not by force and coercion.
In many accurate hadiths, it is said that the wife of Ibrahim a.s, Sara, was the most beautiful woman in the world, but after Hawaii, the wife of Adam a.s. According to these hadiths, Hawaii has been the most beautiful female ever created on earth.
Vesves of Satan
Adam a.s and his wife Hawaii, lived in paradise, according to the command of God. God says in the Qur'an about this:"We said: "The Adem, live you and your wife in Paradise and eat there as much as you want and when you want, but do not approach this tree, otherwise you will become unjust ".(Baqarah, 35)
In paradise, Adam a.s and Hawaii a.s had everything secured, without fatigue and without effort.
From the beginning, God told Adam a.s about Satan, whom he labeled as an enemy of Adam a.s. This was before Satan began his vespers.
"Then we said: "The Adem, indeed this is your enemy and your wife, therefore do not let him take you out of Paradise, that then you will suffer in misery! “ Here you will never be left hungry or naked, and you will not even thirst, nor heat. ” (Maryam, 117)
For, what we are told that the first man was uncovered and later began to be covered is not true at all. God had clothed the first people since Paradise, as it teaches them how to dress as they will be placed on the ground.
“O children of Adam!, We sent you clothes to cover the shameful places, as well as for decoration. for, the garment of piety is the best. ” (Purgatory, 26)
Adam a.s and his wife did not know nudity since they were created.
Ibn Jarir and many others, narrate that Abu Musa Al-Ashari said:When God sent Adam (peace be upon him) from Paradise to earth, he learned all the crafts. ”
When Adam a.s came down and settled on earth, was knowledgeable, dressed in clothes and connoisseur of all basic crafts. What we are taught is that the first humans lived without clothes on the body, is not correct. African tribes and some other countries that lead a primitive life, not holding clothes on the body, have deviated from the pure nature with which God originally created them
In paradise, Adam and Hawaii a.s, they would feel neither thirsty nor hot. They would live in luxury living conditions, without getting tired and without being defeated.
The temptations and temptations of Satan
The temptations and temptations of Satan, God mentions them in several verses. Satan did not dwell in paradise, but was permitted by God, to enter and tempt Adam a.s.
Satan began to seduce and tempt them to eat from the tree which God had forbidden them.
"While he told Adem: "The Adem! Stay in Paradise with your wife and eat whatever you wish, but do not approach this tree, that you become wrongdoers!” (Purgatory, 19)
He was telling them that the tree that God had forbidden them, it is the tree of eternity and power. This is mentioned by God himself in the Qur'an where he says:
"The devil whispered, to reveal to them the shameful covered parts of their bodies, and it was said: "Your Lord has forbidden you the tree, just so you do not become angels or immortal. ” (Purgatory, 20)
Satan intended to lead them to sin and to break the command of God, as well as to reveal to them the shameful parts which until then they had covered.
In addition to the temptation and temptation for power and eternity, Satan even began to swear to them that he was telling them the truth.
"And he swore to them (saying): "It simply came to our notice then, I am for you an honest advisor!"And he deceived them with his cunning." (Purgatory, 21-22)
And what could he dream of more than living in paradise Ademi a.s?! Did not have everything he wanted?! Did not live in luxury and surrounded by good?! Why did he covet something that God had forbidden him??!
The moment they ate from the forbidden tree and broke the command of God, the clothes they were wearing disappeared and suddenly appeared naked.
"After they tasted the fruit, shameful places were revealed to them " (Purgatory, 23)
Once that happens, both Adam a.s and Hawa a.s were ashamed. Human nature hates nudity and does not feel comfortable. When they saw that the clothes they were wearing disappeared, like Adam a.s and Hawaii a.s, began to be covered with the leaves of the trees of paradise. "And began to be covered with the leaves of Paradise" (Purgatory, 23)
Adam a.s did not restrain himself from what happened to him and took flight, running wherever you can in paradise. In a hadith, it is said that when Adam a.s started running, God called him:"The Adem! Are you running away from Me??!Ademi a.s answers:"Yes or Zot! But it hardly came to me from You. "
The first to eat from the tree was Hawaii a.s and it was she who prompted Adam a.s to join him in this deed as well.. This is mentioned in an accurate hadith, narrated by Imam Bukhari, according to which, The Prophet a.s says:"If it weren't for Hawaii, no woman would betray her husband. ”
If it weren’t for Hawaii, Adam a.s would not have eaten from the forbidden tree.
After they had eaten from the forbidden tree, God speaks to Adam a.s and Hawa a.s:
"..And their Lord called them: "Didn't I stop that tree for you?"? Did I not tell you that the devil is indeed your open enemy?” (Purgatory, 22)
How would Adam a.s and Hawaii react?? Do not behave like the devil, insisting on their stubbornness? Already. They will not react like Satan, but they will confess the sin they have committed, with the words:"They said: “Our Lord! We have introduced ourselves into sin, THEREFORE, if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will indeed be among the losers ". (Purgatory, 23)
Both Iblis and Adam a.s broke God's command, but the difference lies that Adam a.s repented and apologized, while the devil continued with his arrogance. Muslim scholars say:"There are no serious sins if they are followed by istigfari, but not even small sins if they follow one another. ”
Placement on the ground
Even though they were humbled and remorseful for what they had done, definitely needed an attitude. How was it possible before such an easy test, surrender and follow your passions and temptations?!
"Come down! You will be enemies with each other. On Earth you will dwell and live until a certain time. You will live there, there you will die and be resurrected. ” (Purgatory, 24-25)
In other verses, God describes this moment in words:
"We made a covenant with Adam before, but he forgot, because he was not determined. When we told the angels: "Bow down before Adam", all humbled themselves, except Iblis, who refused. Then we said: "The Adem, indeed this is your enemy and your wife, therefore do not let him take you out of Paradise, that then you will suffer in misery! Here you will never be left hungry or naked, and you will not even thirst, nor heat. ” But the devil cyti: "The Adem, Shall I show you the tree of eternity and of an everlasting kingdom??"Thus, they both, (Adam and Hawaii), ate from that tree and became aware of their nakedness, therefore they began to be covered with the leaves of Paradise. Adam disobeyed the command of his Lord, so it deviated (from the right path). then, His Lord chose him, he accepted his repentance, instructed and said: "Come down from Paradise, both of you (Adam and the devil)! You will be enemies of each other. When guidance comes to you from Me, who will follow My instruction, nor will he lose, nor will he fall into misery. Whoever turns his back on My Advice, there will be miserable life and We, on the Day of Judgment, we will raise him up blind. "(Taha, 115-124)
Thus Adam a.s came down to earth, as a consequence of breaking the command of God. After it was seen that Adam a.s had repented of what he had done, God taught him a few words, as a sign of repentance. "Ademi learned a few words (how to apologize) by his Lord, so He accepted his repentance.“
These words, God mentions them in the Qur'an where He says:”
"They said: “Our Lord! We have introduced ourselves into sin, THEREFORE, if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will indeed be among the losers ". (Purgatory, 22)
Together with Adam and Havana, came down to earth and satan. Scholars have different opinions on the territory where they were originally settled, but the most reasonable opinion is that of Ibn Abbas, that says:Adam a.s settled in India, while Hawaii in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia). Adam went in search of her, until the two met at Arafat. From here, this place took the name Arafat (know).”
Children of Adam a.s
In a broadcast, it is said that Adam a.s lived a thousand years. According to some Israeli narratives, Adam a.s managed to see four hundred thousand of his descendants. anyhow, these are things that, according to the order of the Prophet a.s, we neither believe in them nor deny them. We believe what the Holy Qur'an states where it says:"And from these two he created many men and women." (Women, 1)
Since then humanity began to increase. Hawaii gave birth to many children. Taberiu says Hawaii gave birth to forty children, in twenty pregnancies. At every birth, Hawaii gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The first child was Kabili, whose sister was Suleiman. The last child was Abdul Mugith, while his twin sister Umul Mugith.
Mankind began to increase and their prophet was Adam a.s, who taught them the laws and norms of religion. At that time everyone was a monotheist and idolatry was not known.
Ibn Hiban narrates a hadith, that Abu Dhari asked the Prophet a.s:Who was the first messenger of God??The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied:”It was Ademi. " Abu Dharr asked him:He was a prophet sent?The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied:"Po."
Adam a.s was a prophet and messenger of God. He was created by God Himself with His noble hands and had blown them out of His spirit. To Adam a.s spoke the exalted God directly, without intermediaries, as he did with the other prophets.
Kabili and Abili
They are the two sons of Adam a.s. Kabili was a rude and tough man in character. While Abel was kind and gentle. Kabili was engaged in agriculture, while Abel took care of the cattle. Abel's profession raises the need for compassion and love for animals and livestock. Since they are not reasonable, they need care, food and water.
then, mankind needed a family code, especially in connection with the increase of humanity, knowing that they were brothers and sisters to one another. so, the law was such, that the sons of Adam a.s could marry any of the sisters, except twins. Neither Cain nor Abel was an exception to this law. According to narrations, it is said that Kabili's twin, was more beautiful than Abel's twin. Kabili wanted him to marry the twin, but this was forbidden under the laws of that time. Since Adam a.s was a prophet and messenger, there was also its legislation.
Another law, was that of the victims, cattle sacrifices. The sign that God has accepted someone's sacrifice, was to bring down a fire from heaven and burn it. The sacrifice that did not burn from the fire, was rejected by God.
When Abel wanted to offer a sacrifice, chose the best animal and slaughtered it. Kabili, on the other hand, offered a quantity of spoiled grain. A day later, the two brothers saw that Abel's sacrifice had been accepted by the Lord, had been burned by fire. He had rejected Kabili's sacrifice, was not burned. This added to Cain's hatred and jealousy for his brother. At this moment, intervenes and the devil who incites Cain to kill his brother. Murder was a new innovation for human life on earth, was the first crime to occur in history. Decided, Cain went to his brother Abel and told him he wanted to kill him. Abel, for his part he told her he would not react trying to kill her. He told him that from this deed he would gain nothing but sin and punishment.
On a dark, black night, Cain went to his brother Abel who was sleeping and with a large stone, killed him by hitting him on the head. It was the first crime in human history.
After killing him, Kabili did not know what to do with the corpse. It was the first time someone had died from humans and they did not know how to deal with the dead. THEN, Kabili carried his brother's body in his arms and transported it to another place. There, God sent two crows before Cain. The two crows began to quarrel with each other, until one remained dead on the spot. Triumphant crow, began to dig a pit with her feet. Then he pushed the dead crow towards the pit and covered it with earth.
From this event, Kabili learned what to do with his brother's corpse. He dug a pit right away, threw his brother inside and covered him with earth.
Later, Kabili regrets what he did, but did not do istigfar (did not apologize). One of the conditions of repentance (teubes) is to be accompanied by an apology (istigfar). It is not enough that after a crime and sin, to repent and feel bad. This must be accompanied by an apology from the exalted Lord.
God has recorded this event in the Holy Qur'an, where it says:"Lexoju (he Mohammed) exactly the story of the two sons of Adam, when they made of a sacrifice, one was accepted, while the other does not. One said to the other: "I will kill you anyway". The other said: "Allah accepts only from the pious. If you raise your hand to kill me, I will not raise my hand to kill you, BECAUSE, indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the universe. I prefer you to bear the burden of my sin and your sin and thus become among the dwellers of the Fire. This is the retribution of the wrongdoers. ". His self incited him to kill his brother and killed him. so, he became of the lost. Allah sent a crow to dig in the ground, to show him how to cover his brother's corpse. (Double) tha: "Woe is me!, am I not capable of becoming like this crow and covering my brother's body??!"It was made by the penitents." (maid, 27-31)
Transmeton imam Ahmedi, Ebu David, Tirmidhij etc.…, that Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas said during the riots in the time of Uthman ibn Affan:I bear witness that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said::”Riots will occur (sedition). One who sits at that time, he will be better than the one who stands. ”
I asked:"What if I stay locked in the house and someone comes in and with a sword in his hand tries to kill me?", what should I do?”
The Prophet a.s replied:"Be like the best son of Adam a.s." Courses in another broadcast, The Prophet a.s says:”Be the slain son of Adam and do not become the murderous son. "
In another hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, the Prophet Muhammad a.s says:"Anyone who is killed unjustly, part of the sin goes to Adam's son, for he is the first man to invent murder. "
With the murder of his brother, Kabili invented an innovation and crime that had not been heard of until then. For this, God punished him by giving him the share of the sin of anyone killed unjustly until the Day of Resurrection.
Says the Prophet a.s:”Who invents an evil deed, he will have his sin and the sin of those who will act after him, until the Day of Resurrection. "
Cable Escape
After killing his brother, Kabili escaped, not wanting to appear before their father, Ademit a.s. Together with his wife, he settled in the fields, while other children and parents lived at the foot of the mountains.
Kabil's children and descendants were added, but in the absence of the spiritual teacher, moral degeneration began to spread among them. it, even though they worshiped one God. Since then, people were divided into two categories: The best, who lived with Adam a.s and the wicked, who lived with Kabil.
The death of Adam a.s
Adam a.s lived nine hundred and sixty years.
Actually, he had to live a thousand years, but forty years were taken away by his will. This is narrated in many hadiths narrated by Imam Tirmidhi and many others. According to Abu Hurairah, the messenger of God a.s said:When God created Adam, wiped his back, from whence came all the descendants of Adam who would come to life until the Day of Judgment. Between the two eyes of every man, there was a light. When God told Adam, he asked:"Oh my God! Who are these?!God answered:"These are your descendants." Adam a.s sees a man from his descendants, to whom he liked the light between his eyes. I surprised, he asked God:"Oh my God! Who is this?God answered:"This is a man from the last generations of your descendants. His name is David. " Adam a.s asked:"Oh my God! How much life have you given to this person?God answered:"Sixty years." Ademi a.s i tha:"Oh my God! Take sixty years of my life and give it to him!And God granted his wish. When Adam a.s turned nine hundred and sixty years old, the angel of death came to him. Knowing that his life was a thousand years, he asked the angel of death:"Do I not have another forty years left in my life??!The angel said:"Have you not given it to your son David?"?!"Because Adam a.s did not keep his promise, do not keep the promise and his descendants. Because Adam forgot, forget and his descendants. Because Adam a.s erred, his descendants are also wrong. ”
The death of Adam a.s
Among the sons of Adam a.s was also Shith, who had been born after the death of Abel. Shith, means "gift of God".
In a hadith, The Prophet a.s says:God has revealed one hundred and four leaves. Only Shith, God has revealed fifty pages to him. ”
These sheets contained laws and norms, to discipline people’s lives. Adam a.s taught his son Shith, most of the knowledge and knowledge that God had taught him. In addition to religious knowledge and sciences, Shithi taught people and various crafts, calculations of day and night and when the exalted Lord was to be worshiped.
Transmeton imam Ahmedi, that Jumretu Sadij said:I saw an old man in Medina talking. When I asked who he was, I was told that it was Ubayy ibn Kab (one of the most knowledgeable of the Companions about the sciences of the Qur'an and tafsir). Among others, ai tha:When death approached Adam a.s., told the children:"I miss the fruits of paradise."
The fruits of Paradise are similar in form to those of this world. so, there are apples in paradise, pears etc… What distinguishes them, is that the fruits of paradise do not rot, while those of this world rot. The fruits of this world have a common taste, while the fruits of paradise have unusual taste. Adam a.s wanted to eat fruits similar to those of Paradise.
Says Ubayy ibn Kab:The children of Adam a.s went to look for fruit and on the way met the angels (in human form), holding shrouds and other materials for the preparation of the deceased. The angels were told:O children of Adam!! What are you looking for?”
They responded:"Our father is ill and he asked us for the fruits of Paradise." The angels were told:"Come back, that your father's moment of death has come. "
To distinguish Hawaii, recognized and informed Adam a.s immediately. Ademi a.s i tha:Get away from me, for evil came unto me from thee. Leave me with the angels of my exalted Lord. ”
so, the angels of death took his soul, they left, they shrouded him, and link me perfume, they opened the tomb, they pardoned him and covered him. For, it was the angels who prepared the funeral of Adam a.s and buried him recently.
After burying him, the angels told the children of Adam a.s:O children of Adam!! This is how you should treat your dead. "
Adam a.s had spent his life in obedience and in accordance with the laws of God. The first time he had broken God's laws was when he ate from the forbidden tree in Paradise. For nine hundred and fifty years of life on earth, he committed no sin.
One year after the death of Adam a.s, passed away and his wife Hawaii a.s.
Moral depravity
After the death of Adam a.s, was his son Shithi, he who inherited knowledge, prophecy and power. He judged fairly among the people, although the first signs of corruption and degeneration were beginning to appear among the people of Kabul in the fields. Crimes such as murder had also spread among them. They were killing each other, but also people coming down from the mountain, by the other descendants of Adam a.s.
Such a fact is narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas, who after reading the verse:”do not reveal your ornaments, as they were discovered at the time of the lawsuit!” (Ahzab, 33), tha:The children of Adam a.s were divided into two bellies: Those who lived in the mountains and those who lived in the plains. Men living in the mountains, were handsome and handsome, while their wives were not. The wives of those living in the fields were beautiful, and their ugly husbands. Satan came to a man from the womb of Cain, in the form of a boy and asked him to serve him as an apprentice. This guy, who was in fact Satan, started teaching you how to play musical instruments. He had invented a musical instrument like the flute and with it he had made people his own. The sound of the flute had begun to be heard even by those who dwelt in the mountains, which had attracted their attention and curiosity. In addition, the people of Kabul had designated a feast day once a year. That day, they gathered and celebrated together. An important part of this holiday, was that their wives were exposed naked and in tempting attire before men. This news had reached the mountain as well, where some men had not resisted this temptation and went to see the women during the feast. One of the laws of Shith, was that all the inhabitants of the mountain were forbidden to meet and have contact with the men or women from the belly of Kabul. One of the men of the mountain, goes down to the field during the feast and enters among the people of Kabul, where it remains open-mouthed by the beauty of their wives. He turns to the mountain and tells the other men about what his eyes had seen. A good part of the men can not resist this temptation and go down to the field so that they too can see the beauty of the women of the field. Thus degeneration and debauchery began to spread among them. Moral depravity and extramarital affairs have their origin in this event. This is the commentary on the verse we mentioned above:"Do not reveal your ornaments, as they were discovered at the time of the lawsuit!” (Ahzab, 33)
Shithi, as prophet and sovereign, did everything possible to stop this debauchery and moral degeneration that had spread. Population in the field, barku i Kabilit, had begun to grow, while those on the mountain were significantly reduced.
History of the family of Imran a.s
After how many years and centuries, a good and honest family appears among the Children of Israel, descendant of Jacob and Abraham a.s. This family was that of Imran, which is also mentioned in the suras of the Qur'an. Says God exalted in the Qur'an:
"Allah chose Adam, THX, the family of Ibrahim and the family of Imran above all people (of their time). (They were) descendants of each other. Allah hears and knows everything.” (Al Imran, 33)
Imrani, whose name is mentioned in this verse, is from the descendants and suckers of the Prophet Daut a.s. He had a daughter named Ashia, which is the sister of Mary a.s (MARY). Ashia is the wife of the Prophet Zachariah a.s and the aunt of the Prophet Isa a.s (Jesus). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) narrates about the journey of the Miraj, where among other things it emphasizes:I also passed by my two cousins (aunt boys) Jahja a.s. (John the Baptist) and Isa a.s… ”
Birth of Mary a.s
The story of Mary a.s begins with her mother who was unable to give birth. One day, she sees a sparrow feeding its young, which added to her desire to become a mother. For this, she swore that if she got pregnant and gave birth to a child, would dedicate to God and His religion.
"Remember when Imran's wife said: "My God, I have dedicated to You what is in my womb, to serve You alone; therefore, accept from me! It's you, Really, he hears and knows everything. ” (Al Imran, 35)
WHEREAS, Zechariah a.s was transferred from Damascus to Jerusalem, to serve the sanctuary. then, it had become a tradition for families to dedicate a son of the house to the services required by the Holy Land. The children were taken over by the monks, who cared, i educate, they were taught the Torah, they were trained as monks to serve in the sanctuary. Even Imran's wife, swore that if she became pregnant, the son to be born will be dedicated to the holy house. And in fact, she became pregnant, but when the baby was born it was female and not male. It was only men who devoted themselves to the service of the holy house, while women were excluded.
"And when she was born, tha: "My God! I was born female, - Allah knows best what she was born with, "And a man is not like a woman." (Al Imran, 36)
WHEREAS, Imran himself, father of the newborn Mary, was the chief monk of the Holy house in Jerusalem. His wife consulted with Imran about her oath. Ai i tha:As long as you swear that you will dedicate yourself to the service of the Holy House, so let it be, even though she is female. ”
In the words "and the male is not like the femaleGod seeks to exalt the image of this woman, Merjemes a.s. The man that Imran's wife had dedicated to the Holy House, even if he were born, would not enjoy the status and greatness of Mary a.s.
I named her Mary and left her and her offspring under Your protection from the accursed devil. ". (Al Imran, 36)
Says the Prophet Muhammad a.s:Every baby born to the children of Adam is teased by Satan with his finger. The exception was Mary, Imran's daughter and her son Isa. " (Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmedi etj…)
"God accepted it (Maryam) with pleasure, made it grow well " (Al Imran, 37)
so, Mary has been fully committed to the service of the Holy House since she was a baby.
It had become a tradition, since a baby was brought to the Holy House, to then serve the Holy House, it was handed over to one of the monks to care for and educate him. When Mary arrived, each of the monks wanted to take it for himself. Usually, when everyone wanted to get a baby, they prayed to God to inspire them as to who deserved it most. so, God inspired them in various ways as to who the guardian should be. This did not happen in the case of Mary. Seeing Zechariah's insistence on taking Mary into his custody, they decided to throw pens in the stream of water. If during the course, someone would show some miracle to the pen, he deserved Mary's guardianship. When thrown into the stream of water, all the pens followed the flow, and that of Zechariah split in the opposite direction. It was a miracle that Zechariah a.s took him into his care. Something like this is also mentioned in the Qur'an, where God says:"You were not present when they drew lots as to which of them would take care of Mary, and you were not present when they were arguing." (Al Imran, 44)
It was a miracle what happened to Zechariah's pen, but it is also a miracle that God mentions this event in the Qur'an, in the mouth of his last messenger, the Prophet Muhammad a.s.
"God accepted it (Maryam) with pleasure, made it grow well " (Al Imran, 37)
Mary enjoyed good health, as she grew and developed faster than her peers. When the prophet Isa a.s was born, she was fifteen years old, but that in appearance she looked like an experienced woman.
In the Holy House, she was completely devoted to worship and daily services. God had given him some miracles, as a reward for her dedication and devotion.
"And left him under the care of Zechariah. Every time Zechariah entered her room, he found food next to her and asked her: “O Mary! Where does this food come from?She replied: "This is from Allah, that Allah provides for whomever He wills, Unlimited". (Al Imran, 37)
It is said that Zechariah a.s found in Mary's room not only different foods, but found in winter fruits that ripen in summer and vice versa. From an early age, miracles appeared to her.
“(Remember) when the angels said: “O Mary! Allah has chosen you, he has purified you and preferred you over all the women of the world. ” (Al Imran, 42)
“Messiah, and son of Mary, is just a messenger. Messengers also passed before him. "His mother has always been right." (maid, 75)
In a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari, Muslim etc.…, the Prophet Muhammad a.s says:The best woman on earth is Mary, the daughter of Imran. The best woman on earth is Khadijah, Huwaylid's daughter. "
In another hadith, The Prophet a.s says:From the women of the earth, suffice it to mention four:"Mary, the daughter of Imran, Assistant, Pharaoh's wife, Hadixhen, the daughter of Huwaylid and Fatima the daughter of Muhammad. "
Of these quarters and of all the women of the world, Mary definitely takes first place. She is followed by Fatima, daughter of the Prophet a.s, then Khadijah the daughter of Huwaylid and finally Asia, Pharaoh's wife.
Zechariah a.s wishes to have a child
Seeing the miracles happening to Mary, even Zechariah a.s began to nurture the desire to become a father. At this time, he was one hundred years old and was deprived of having children. The wife herself was ninety-nine years old. He began to pray to the Lord, to give him a child. These prayers are recorded by God in the Qur'an:
This is the story of your Lord's mercy to His servant -
security as.
“When he cried to his Lord in secret prayer (saying):"Oh my God! My bones are already weak, my head shines with gray and I have never been disappointed by my prayer for You, Oh my God! I'm scared (behaviors of) my relatives after me, - from the behavior of his relatives, he feared that they would not devote themselves to the service of the Holy House and abandon the religion - while my wife is beronjë; therefore, give me a descendant from You, to inherit me and Jacob's family. Oh my God, make it likable (for you)!” (Maryam, 2-6)
The exalted Lord accepted his prayer, which is also stated in the Qur'an:
"We responded to him and gave him Yahya, making his wife FIT (for birth).” (Anbiya, 90)
Tregon Abdullah ibn Abasi:May God accept his prayer, Zacharias' wife was menstruating. " even though he was ninety-nine years old.
also, she was known as a talkative and uneducated woman. After accepting Zechariah's prayer, God took away these vices too.
Even the angels themselves congratulated Zechariah a.s for the son he would give birth to. God says in the Qur'an:
“O Zechariah, We are giving you the good news of a boy to be named John. We have not given this name to anyone before ". (Maryam, 7)
For, even the name was given to this boy. He was a name not previously known, which is also mentioned in the verse.
Zechariah a.s wondered if she would give birth to a son at this advanced age, while his wife was also sterile, incapable of giving birth.
“Yes: "Oh my God, how can i have a son, when my wife is beronjë and I have reached deep old age?!I said: This is what your Lord has said. This to me is easy. I created you before, while it did not exist ". (Zechariah) tha: "Oh my God, give me some sign!” - He asked God for a sign to understand that his wife is pregnant. also, asked for a sign that the Children of Israel would understand that this child would inherit his knowledge - Ai tha:"Your sign will be that you will not be able to talk to people for three nights, although you will be healthy. ” (Maryam, 8-10)
The sign was like that, that although there was no physical illness, Zechariah a.s would not be able to speak for three days in a row. He could communicate with people only by gesturing and moving his lips. It is said that when it came to worship and exaltation of God, he spoke and was heard. But when he wanted to talk to people, he got stuck and it was impossible. This lasted for three days.
"He came out of the shrine before his people and signaled to them to praise Allah morning and evening.!” (Maryam, 11)
In some other verses in the Qur'an, God speaks in more detail about Zechariah a.s and his prayer for son.
"Then Zechariah prayed to his Lord and said:: "My God! Give me from you a good offspring! It's you, Really, you are the Hearer of prayer!And while praying on foot, in the shrine, the angels called to him (Surelyan): "Allah gives you the good news of Yahya, who will prove the Word of Allah (Isain a.s.), will be a noble, chaste and prophet, one of the best ". (Al Imran, 38-39)
For, except Jahjas, The Lord told him that another prophet would come, Isai a.s, where John will trust and follow him.
“Chaste”I.e. not going to get married, although he is capable of it. Some scholars think that Jesus (pbuh) was incapable of marriage, but this is not true.
“O Jahja, grab the Book (Teuratin).And We, when he was still a child, We gave him wisdom. ”(Maryam, 12)
Since childhood, Yahya a.s was wise and did not waste time. In a hadith, it is said that peers told him one day:"Come play with us."!”Ai ua ktheu:"We were not created to play."
Concerning some of the virtues and qualities of Yahya, says God in the Qur'an:“Gentleness from Us and chastity. He was a devout believer and kind to his parents, was not harsh and disobedient. Peace be upon that day when he was born, the day he dies and the day he is resurrected. "(Maryam, 13
Scholars say peace is mentioned, as there are three moments when man needs it most, East, death and the day of resurrection.
In a hadith, it is said that Isa a.s met Yahya and told him:Ask God for forgiveness for me, for thou art better than I!Jahja returned it:"Already, you apologize to me. You are better than me. ” Isai a.s i tha:"Already, you are the best. I have greeted myself, and God Himself has greeted you. ”
Yahya had been greeted by God himself in the verse:”Peace be upon that day when he was born, the day he dies and the day he is resurrected. "(Maryam, 13
Whereas Isa a.s greets himself in the verse:”May peace and salvation be upon me, on the day I was born, in the day that I shall die, and in the day that I shall rise again!” (Maryam, 33)
Undoubtedly this is from the modesty of the Prophet Isa a.s, as all scholars have the unanimous opinion that he is better than Yahya a.s.
Says the Prophet Muhammad a.s in a hadith:"There is no one who has not made a mistake, or wanted to make a league, besides John the son of Zechariah. It's not for anyone to say that I am better than Yunus ibn Meta. ”
Many narrations mention the fact that Yahya a.s was guarded and chaste from evil deeds.
The murder of Jahja a.s
Zechariah and his son John continued the mission of the prophets among the Children of Israel, advising and guiding them towards faith and moral values. Political power at that time was in the hands of a tyrannical king, wicked and immoral. As is the case with many rulers in Islamic countries today, even this king, ostensibly manifested respect and reverence for Zechariah, Jahjan and the learned men of the religion.
One day, this king expresses the desire to marry his nephew. His own niece liked this, as she would become queen. Many hadiths say that this girl was immoral. For this, she also had the support of her mother. All this, even though they knew that their religion forbids marriage between his uncle and niece. The king wanted to make an exception for his case and asked Yahya a.s to allow him to marry his niece. When he heard their request, Yahya a.s delivered a sermon in front of all the people, where he declared and once again the prohibition of the marriage of the uncle with his niece. it, in order that if the king marries, people to realize that he has violated a sacred law.
This behavior greatly angered the king, just as he angered his niece. If they were to get married, this would provoke strong reactions in the population. so, the king abandoned the idea. But his granddaughter did not relinquish the queen's throne. One night, he began to sing about the king and to dance. The king asked him to go to bed, but she refused saying:"Only after we get married." The king said:And how to get married, while Jahja has forbidden this?!She replied:"Bring Jahja's head to me as a wedding gift and we will put an end to this issue."
So much was given to her, so much so that he immediately ordered the soldiers to bring Yahya's head. Immediately the soldiers marched towards the shrine of Yahya a.s, who in those moments was praying. They beheaded him and brought him to the king in a pan. He took the head of Yahya a.s, handed it over to his niece and so they got married.
This was a trial of the Lord to his prophets. The head of a prophet, given as a marriage gift to a naughty woman. Hence the Prophet Muhammad a.s says:"Man will be tested according to his faith."
The murder of the prophet Zechariah a.s
After killing Jahjan a.s, the soldiers - by order of the king - set out for another mission, the murder of Zechariah a.s. In many broadcasts, which are not accurate, but because they are numerous we are mentioning them, it is said that Zechariah a.s hid in the trunk of a tree. When the tree closed, the devil held out a piece of Zechariah's clothes. When the soldiers reached the tree and did not find it, the devil appears to them in human form and tells them:"Do you not see his clothes inside the tree?"? Saw the tree to kill it!Thus was killed the Prophet Zakariya a.s both honored prophets.
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