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Home »Controversial singer, from tearing down the Pope's picture to converting to Islam

Sinead O'Connor, the Irish singer strikes again after converting to Islam. She is often involved in controversy, especially when in the distant year 1992 tore up a picture of the Pope.

The day before, O'Connor has announced through the social network "Twitter" that he has converted to Islam. artist, which is best known for its hit of the year 1990 “Nothing Compares 2 U ”, said she had changed her name to Shuhadà. Yes, through Twitter, she thanked her Muslim followers for their support. The explanation for her decision is "the natural conclusion of every journey of the intelligent theologian" and for this she uploaded a video while singing "adhan", or the Islamic call to prayer.

On Thursday, Irish imam Shaykh Dr Umar al-Qadri also posted a video of the singer, as he expressed the statement of the Islamic faith.

This is not the first time that O’Connor, which had also changed its name last year, legally at Magda Davitt, who speaks openly about her faith. In year 1992, she sparked heated debate when she tore up a photo of the Pope during a live broadcast on American television. Seven years later, she was ordained by a detached church in Lourdes.


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