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Types of dates and their health benefits

Arabian dates are delicious and very healthy fruits.

Indeed, Arabian dates is a term that includes dozens of varieties of fruits that are healthy.
Listed below are some of the healthiest dates.

Hurmat Ajwa

These are known as the 'Queen of Dates' because they are believed to have been the favorites of the Prophet Muhammad of Islam.. They are soft and drier. These dates are known for their ability to strengthen immunity.

Regards Medjool

This fruit grows in places with a hot, dry climate such as the Middle East, Africa and California. They do not contain sugar and are ideal for diabetic patients.
These dates are rich in vitamins, minerals and energy.

Regards Kalmi

These fruits originate from Oman. They are black fruits, small cylindrical. They are rich in potassium and prevent diarrhea.

Hurmat Mabroom

These dates are known as first quality fruits. They are naturally rich in minerals and antioxidants.
They are sweet and easy to chew.

Hurmat Ambera

These dates bear the stamp of the most absolute quality of dry fruits. They come from Medina, in Saudi Arabia.
They are large in size and have the ability to improve the natural healing of the body.

Respect Khudri

They have a cylindrical shape and are found in medium or large sizes.
They are brown in color with red undertones and give you instant energy from the first bite.

Respect Zahidi

They are the tastiest dates in Iran. They have a light yellow color and round shape. These dates contain high amounts of vitamin A, B, C and minerals that improve blood circulation.

Hurmat Safawi

They come from Saudi Arabia and are sweet and big.
These dates are mainly used to treat anemia and intoxication.

Hurmat Sukarri

This variety also comes from Saudi Arabia. They are very sweet and chewy.
They give you an instant dose of energy.

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