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The Saudi Ministry of Hajj opens electronic registration for pilgrims from Europe, America and Australia

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has made it possible for pilgrims from Europe, America and Australia to register electronically for this year's Hajj season, announced the Saudi Agency on Monday.

The portal developed by the ministry includes various packages, support services and a call center 24/7 in many languages.

"The portal also enables the issuance of visas electronically, to fulfill the aspirations of honored pilgrims from these countries and to ensure quick and easy procedures ”, said by the ministry.

Pilgrims can register directly through the portal at the link below:

Through the portal, the pilgrim can be assured to meet the conditions, including being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, below 65 aged ( born after the date 1-7-1957) and have a negative PCR result obtained before its launch), priority is given to those who have not performed Hajj before.

These services are part of the ministry's strategy for developing a digital experience for pilgrims. These efforts aim to facilitate procedures and offer competitive prices to pilgrims from these countries.

The ministry announced earlier that foreign pilgrims make up 85 percent of the total of one million pilgrims who will be allowed to perform Hajj this year.

in total 850,000 foreign pilgrims will be allowed to perform Hajj, while the number of local pilgrims was limited to 150,000.

Total number of 850,000 of foreign pilgrims constitutes only 45.2 percent of the current pilgrimage quota set for each country prior to the coronavirus pandemic outbreak.

The Ministry of Hajj has set some deadlines and conditions for foreign pilgrims for this year's Hajj. These include not allowing pilgrims over the age 65 years old and pilgrims who should receive two doses of coronavirus vaccine.

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