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It may seem strange, but the skin of the onion works wonders in curing diseases!

Onions are part of our table and cooking in every season.

Winter or summer, food has no taste without onions. Despite making us cry, or gives us the scent we describe as unpleasant, we can not do without the onion. Usually we throw onion skin in the trash, as we do not know what to do with it, but it turns out that onion skin tea has great health benefits and cures and prevents disease. has brought you some benefits that you get by drinking onion skin tea.

Onion skin tea helps lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure

Vitamin C present in onions helps nourish your skin and lips.

Onion skin tea helps lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure

Fights allergies and treats depression

How to make onion skin tea? Peel an onion and put the skins in a jar. Fill with water and leave the jar in the fridge for 12 hour. This way the skins will release nutrients into the water. Drain the liquid and add honey. It is advisable to drink this tea before bed.

Onion skin fights cancer cells, mykun, bacteria and serves as an antioxidant. Onion skin is detoxifying.

Quercetin reduces the oxidative stress that causes diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart dissases, prostate infections, stomach ulcer, diabetes and eye problems.

Onion skin also works against asthma and its symptoms.

Onions and its skin are rich in vitamins, mining, antioxidants and some vital nutrients like vitamin A., C, E, which are very important for skin protection.

Components like quercetin and sulfur-rich phytochemicals found in onions help fight free radical damage, delaying the signs of aging.

Onion skin tea helps reduce inflammation.

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