Associations help the poor
Assistance in Struga for some families

Assistance in Struga for some families 2017

Families who were helped in Struga with food for Ramadan 20.7.2017 as well as a celebration for the children of the mosque for Eid, this activity was led by the honorable Hafez.

1. Alberta Shehu with two children with 100, -frz

2. Bardhul Bajrami (with food)

3. Love Koxhaxhiku

4. Abidin Ibish

5. Melaim Xheladini

6. Seveli Veseli

7. Scheme Biba

8. Teuta Llumnica

9. Organizing for children the day of Eid .

usqimi cost 300, -frz.

Assistance in Struga for some families


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