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One peach a day helps you avoid these problems in the body!

Peaches are among the sweetest fruits of this season, so take advantage of them, how much time they have. This fruit is a good source of phosphate and magnesium, contains about 200mg / 100g potassium and provides approx 50% of daily requirement for vitamin A..

The more ripe the peach, the more fiber it contains and provides a better digestion. Another advantage of the zinc content found in peaches is its ability to counteract the effects of aging. Peaches also help cells to repair damage caused by free radicals.

Its ability to improve your nervous system thanks to the presence of magnesium is one of the other benefits of peaches! Magnesium is essential for reducing stress and anxiety and keeping your nervous system in a calm state.

They contain bioactive elements such as phenol complex that have been proven to effectively combat metabolic imbalance.

Last but not least, Scientists have successfully concluded that phenolic compounds found in peaches help lower LDL cholesterol levels (harmful) promoting HDL cholesterol (good). This is vital to maintaining optimal cardiovascular health.

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