Associations help the poor

In conclusion we can say that this useless religion is not only the loss of this world and the hereafter and indeed the followers of this religion are worshipers of Satan and are so arrogant deniers that they have lived among Muslims for centuries and refused to accept it. Islam

The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs., The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs., The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.. The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.. The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs., The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs.The Yazidi sect is a deviant ideology that has its origins in early history and is a combination of Sufi beliefs..

They are most prevalent in northern Iraq, They are most prevalent in northern Iraq, They are most prevalent in northern Iraq. They are most prevalent in northern Iraq.

They are most prevalent in northern Iraq (They are most prevalent in northern Iraq) They are most prevalent in northern Iraq. They are most prevalent in northern Iraq.

They are most prevalent in northern Iraq: They are most prevalent in northern Iraq (Iblis)?


  • Iblis (Iblis), Iblis, Iblis. Iblis, Iblis!!!
  • They also glorify Iblis out of fear of himself believing that Iblis is too powerful to that extent., They also glorify Iblis out of fear of himself believing that Iblis is too powerful to that extent..
  • They also glorify Iblis out of fear of himself believing that Iblis is too powerful to that extent.!
  • They also glorify Iblis out of fear of himself believing that Iblis is too powerful to that extent. (They are most prevalent in northern Iraq) They also glorify Iblis out of fear of himself believing that Iblis is too powerful to that extent., They also glorify Iblis out of fear of himself believing that Iblis is too powerful to that extent..

They also glorify Iblis out of fear of himself believing that Iblis is too powerful to that extent.:

1- Ata marrin skulptura-idhuj prej bakri në formë të fazanit ose të gjelit dhe ky sipas tyre simbolizon Iblisin-Fazanin e melekëve. With this idol they go from place to place to amass wealth.

2- Lugina “Laalish” në Irak (With this idol they go from place to place to amass wealth) With this idol they go from place to place to amass wealth.

3- Ata kanë libër që e llogaritin të shenjtë me emrin “Libri i Zi” në të cilin gjenden mësimet dhe besimet e Jezidijve. With this idol they go from place to place to amass wealth.

4- Agjërojnë tri ditë gjatë vitit në një muaj të caktuar.

5- Haxhin e kryejnë në vendin “Laalish” në Irakun verior.

6- Namaz falin dy herë në ditë, once at sunrise and once at sunset. once at sunrise and once at sunset.

7- Festat fetare të tyre ngjajnë si festivale muzikore me vallëzime dhe me haje dhe pije.

8- Ata besojnë se ata janë pasardhës të drejtpërdrejtë të Ademit dhe jo edhe Havës. once at sunrise and once at sunset.

9- Rringjallja pas vdekjes sipas tyre do të jetë në Malin Sinxhar në Irak.

10- E lejojnë martesën deri me gjashtë gra.

11- Martesa tek ata bëhet në atë mënyrë që dhëndri e kidnapon nusen dhe më pastaj shkon tek familja e nuses për t’u pajtuar.

12- E ndalojnë veshjen e teshave të kaltërta, They allow marriage to up to six women.

13- E ndalojnë prerjen e mustaqeve, They allow marriage to up to six women.

14- E ndalojnë ngrënien e lakrës, They allow marriage to up to six women, They allow marriage to up to six women, They allow marriage to up to six women, They allow marriage to up to six women, They allow marriage to up to six women, They allow marriage to up to six women.

15- Nëse dikush vizaton rreth në tokë përreth një Jezidiu, If one draws around on the ground around a Yazidi, If one draws around on the ground around a Yazidi.

16- E ndalojnë shkrimin dhe leximin, If one draws around on the ground around a Yazidi, If one draws around on the ground around a Yazidi.

17- Besojnë në reinkarnimin e shpirtërave.

18- Zjarri, If one draws around on the ground around a Yazidi, If one draws around on the ground around a Yazidi.

In conclusion we can say that this useless religion is not only the loss of this world and the hereafter and indeed the followers of this religion are worshipers of Satan and are so arrogant deniers that they have lived among Muslims for centuries and refused to accept it. Islam.

PREPARED: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"

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