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Praise be to Allaah, and may His peace and mercy be upon the best Prophet, over his chosen and noble companions, upon his family and upon all those who follow the path and methodology of this Prophet until the Day of Judgment.

Before we get into this topic, we must understand the word shirk, both linguistically, as well as in Sharia terminology, so that we don't have misunderstandings while reading.

– In etymology (linguistically): (polytheism), says Ibn Faris: "These three letters (shin, ra, buy), come in the composition of two essential meanings, one of them shows comparison (simulation)also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah "[1], says Al-FajruzAbadi: "Shirku i.e. they are partners of each other..."[2]

– In the terminology of Sharia: Ibn As-Si'di says: "The reality of shirk is to worship the creature as Allah is worshipped, to be glorified as Allah is glorified and to be given something of the features of lordship or worship."[3] Ed-Dehlevi says: "Shirk is not only that a person equates someone with Allah and does not distinguish between them, but the reality of shirk is that a person calls someone or does things and deeds to someone, which Allah has singled out for His Majestic being and made them a symbol of worship, such as one's prostration, sacrifice on someone's behalf, pledging on someone's behalf, begging for help in times of difficulty (in which no one but Allah can help you), the belief that this person is everywhere and that he can control things, all this is shirk and a person by doing these things becomes a polytheist."[4] From these definitions of shirk, we will clearly understand that these works are of the essence of the Shi'ite religion and that Shi'ism cannot be built as a religion., except on the basis of worshiping people and placing them in positions that belong only to Allah subhanah.

The Shia claim that they are worshipers of Allah alone and that they do not associate with Him in worship or in any of His attributes.. This means that those in the matter of tawhid[5] and in the basics of religion they are the same as other Muslims. But we will see if this is so, whereas only the claim and the saying are not enough for a person to be a Muslim,even when he simultaneously does things and says things that completely contradict his claim. The presence of shirk in the reference books of the Shias is known by every person who has a little knowledge about these books and also knows by those who are searching for the truth., therefore, with the permission of Allah, in this article we will mention some references from their books, so that we can argue our claim that the Shia books encourage shirk. At first we will start with Kulejni's book, “Usul el-Kafi” apo “El-Kafi”, book which some of the Shia scholars consider as their best book, says Abdulhussein El-Mousevi: "The book Al-Kafi is the best book, the most reliable and punctual of the Shias”[6], also says their Sheikh, Muhammad Sadik As-Sadr: "It is said that Al-Kafi was presented to Mahdi and that he said: This book is enough for the Shias (group) ours."[7]

Now let's see how shirk has become part of this deviant sect.

1- Imams know the secret. Says Al-Kulejni mentioning the chain of narrators up to Ammar es-Sabati that Ja'fer es-Sadiq asked him: Do the imams know the unseen? (the secret)? Tha: "Already, well if you want me to know something, Allah will tell him immediately."

2- The whole earth belongs to the Imam. This man also says in a chapter in his book, which chapter he called: ((Chapter: The whole earth belongs to the Imam)), from Abu Abdullah[8] that he will be tried, or that he will have a painful punishment. ": "The world and the Hereafter belong to the Imam, you put them where you want and give them to whom you want, this is permitted by Allah."[9] Subhan Allah, this is obviously not the religion that the Muslims of the first generations were talking about: "This religion turns people away from the worship of men and makes them worship the Lord of men." If the world and the hereafter are in the hands of the Imam, what then remains to God of this Imam, May Allah protect us from this shirk and deviation.

3- Imams are the eyes of Allah among the creatures. Al-Kulayni says: Imam Muhammed Al-Bakir said: "Yes (12 priesthood) we are the language of Allah, we are the face of Allah and we are the eye of Allah among the creatures."[10]

4- Imams know the past and the future. Says Al-Kulayni showing the total knowledge of their imams: On the authority of Abu Abdullah who said: "I know what is in the heavens and the earth, I know what is in Paradise and Hell and I know what has happened and what will happen."[11] The books of these are complete with the designation of their imams with qualities and attributes that belong only to Allah.

5- Ali resurrects the animals. Al-Bahrani has mentioned a long narration, where a story and dialogue between Salman and Ali is mentioned (This way of dhikr is known from the Prophet), story in which several "miracles" of Ali are mentioned (The emergence of the Khawarij and their definition), among them he also mentioned the resurrection of animals and other things, Aliu says at the end of the story (according to this fictional narration): "I am the servant and vicegerent of Allah, my order is His order, my stop is His stop, my will is His will and my power is his power."[12]

6- Prostration to Fatima. Hasen Al-Ebtuhi says: "Is it allowed to prostrate to Fatimah?? It has been reported that it is obligatory to prostrate to Fatimah after the prayer..." until he says: "'s normal to mention her name and ask her for help, turn to her and prostrate to her, because it is not logical for a person to talk to Fatima, turn to her and then prostrate to someone else..."[13]

We say it is surprising with the shirk of these, since Fatima, Ali, Hussain and the other imams have made them masters, who worship besides Allah, even it seems illogical not to commit shirk while mentioning their names. May Allah be exalted!

Shia books are full of this kind of shirk and kufr, for this reason, for this article we will no longer quote from their books, because apart from the shirk we know for the Shia, either from the worship of the graves, the prayer of the dead, the worship of scholars and other types of shirk and kufr, I wanted to mention the things and other types of shirk and kufr in their books, as they were: The claim that the imams know the secret, prostrating to Fatima, extremism in these imams, ETC..

That man who understands the word ((La ilahe il-Allah)) I know that the above mentioned things are blasphemy and equating the creatures with the creator and there is no need to comment or add anything to clarify what we said.

We ask Allah to protect us and protect us from any deviation in religion, we ask Him to make us followers of the truth, to join us in Paradise with the Prophet (وَلِلَّـهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَن اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا ۚ وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللَّـهَ غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الِعَالَالَ), Companions and his family and our last prayer is: Praise belongs only to Allah!


PREPARED: "Indeed, the magnitude of the reward comes with the magnitude of the trial, and when Allah loves a group of people, He tests them."



[1] Mekajiis el-lugah (3/265).

[2] El-Kamus el-Muhit (2/1252).

[3] Tejsiir Kerim er-Rahman (2/499).

[4] Risaletu et-tawhid pp. 32-33.

[5] Oneness of Allah.

[6] El-Muraxheat fq.311.

[7] Esh-Shia’h fq.123.

[8] We have shown several times that in these narrations with Abu Abdullah, are aimed at Ja'far Es-Sadiq.

[9] Usul el-Kafi fq.255.

[10] Usul el-Kafi fq.84.

[11] Usul el-Kafi fq.160.

[12] Medinetul Muajhiz (1/257-258).

[13] Anvar Ez-Zehra pg.45.

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