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1 - Be a good example for your children!

Parents should be the best example for children. How can a regular prayer be expected from the children when the father-instructor- either prays whimsically or is the one who leaves the prayer? "Is it?, are you commanding people to do good deeds, you are forgetting yourself, and you are reading the scriptures? Are you not reasoning?” (Baqarah: 44)

The father should be exemplary in praying regularly, attach great importance to them. If he commands the children to pray, let him be the first to answer the call to salvation.

So is the woman, let him covet to pray in his own house. When he hears the muezzin calling the call to prayer, let her leave all work and pray in front of her daughters. This is a practical lesson that gives a direct effect.


2 - Talk to the children about the merit of prayer and its importance!

Really talking about kindness, the merit of prayer is of great importance, because it makes them loved and connects children with forgiveness. In this way the child learns what a great prestige prayer has in Islam and in the life of a Muslim..

There are many hadiths that speak of the merit of prayer. See how eloquently the Prophet addresses them (alejhi selam) his friends: "If any of you had a river in front of his house and bathed in it five times a day, would any impurity remain in his body?They said: Already, no impurity would remain. Said the Messenger of Allah: "So are the five prayers with which Allah wipes away sins." (Bukhari and Muslim)


3 - Teach your child the rules of purity and prayer!

Parents should be taught the rules of purity and prayer early on, once the child begins to understand. The father should encourage the son to pray next to him to follow him in the prayer movements: in ruku, prostrated, ulje etj.

The parent should teach the child the rules of going to the bathroom and the rules of cleaning. Nor should he leave without learning how to perform ablution in the simplest form.


4 - Order your children to pray!

From the age of seven to ten, the parent may order the child to pray, for the prophet (alejhi selam) say: "Order your children to pray at the age of seven and beat them if they do not pray at the age of ten and separate them into separate beds." (Ebu David)

The parental order should not be rude, wild, but gentle to leave kindness in the heart.

Truly the prophet (alejhi selam) has used the word "beat" in the hadith, but it is not intended to severely beat or hit the delicate parts of the child's body, but the light beating that leaves more traces in the child's soul than in his physique.


5 - Take your children to the mosque!

You are really surprised by some Muslims who go to the mosque themselves, pray the congregational prayer regularly, but on the other hand leave their children in front of the television screen and computer games or other entertainment devices.

Already. That's not reasonable. Greed, O Muslim brother, to take your descendants with you to the house of Allah. Teach them the norms of going to the mosque, quiet entrance, placing shoes in the designated place, stopping running, or playing with the Qur'an or with electrical appliances, ETC.. Your child should be accustomed to the atmosphere of worship from an early age.

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