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2 - Evidence of Tawheed

La ilaha il-lAllah is the statement
because of this evidence
are created
the heavens and the earth

Most nations are built
all beings are created
the swords of Jihad to protect him
have fought

It is the manifestation of the right of Allah
above all His slaves
it is the proof of Tawheed
the basis of Faith

Blood, wealth and descendants in this world
are in defense because of the word of Tawheed
it is a protection from the punishment of the grave
and shield against the punishment of the Fire

The statement of Tawheed is revelation
without you, no one can enter paradise
and Tawheed is the rope
without which it is not possible to reach the True God

From it people are separated
in miserable and happy
accepted and rejected
the lands of Kufr and the lands of Iman
from it are separated

And this is the pillar of Islam
which carries the Sunnah
whoever says the last word "La ilaha il-lAllah"
will conquer Paradise

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