Associations help the poor

3 - Allah is our Lord

Ai eshte Allahu
i Only and unmatched
Creator of the universe
is the One God

He created the heavens
He created the earth
the goal, areas, seas
He created the world

He created mankind
nothing bothers Him
and all creatures
will return to Him

With perfection
and complete knowledge
Supreme Judge
brought us into this world

With the sole purpose
to worship
although there is no need
that he is Self Praised

Allah is our Lord
He created us
He supplies us
therefore it should be worshiped

Allah has promised
who obeys Him
to Paradise will go
happy in eternity

While who opposes
and does not obey Him
to Hell goes
and suffers righteously

Everyone chooses
the path of his life
why I saw you dita
that we will return to Him

Allah created us
gave us life and health
if we worship and obey him
He gives us Paradise!

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