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Saudi Arabia reopens holy sites for performing Umrah

Saudi Arabia today has reopened Muslim holy sites to perform Umrah, reports the state news agency SPA, transmits Anadolu Agency (AA).

"The Great Mosque is ready to accept pilgrims and believers who come to Umrah", reported today SPA, quoting the deputy chief of affairs of the Great Mosque, Saad bin Muhamed al-Muhaimid.

He said that the pilgrims will be accepted in accordance with the precautionary measures which will guarantee the safety of all visitors to the Grand Mosque..

Umrah is an Islamic ritual in the holy city of Mecca which Muslims can perform at any time of the year..

The pilgrims completed the Hajj on Friday, one of the five pillars of Islam that Muslims are required to perform at least once in their lives if they have the necessary means to do so.

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia announced on 12 June that no one from outside will be admitted to Hajj this year, but only 60 thousand people from the country who do not have chronic diseases, aged from 18 until 65 aged and who have been vaccinated against coronavirus.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), Saudi Arabia accepted only a limited number of the country's pilgrims last year. /aa

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