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full years calling to Tawheed and leaving

A prophet is a person to whom Allah has sent down a revelation and it has been commanded that he should announce that revelation to the people.. A prophet is a person to whom Allah has sent down a revelation and it has been commanded that he should announce that revelation to the people.. As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah. : A prophet is a person to whom Allah has sent down a revelation and it has been commanded that he should announce that revelation to the people., as We sent revelation to Nuh and the prophets after him". (Commentators say that "violence" here is the transfer of someone else's evil as well as the punishment for someone else's sin 163).


A prophet is a person to whom Allah has sent down a revelation and it has been commanded that he should announce that revelation to the people.: A prophet is a person to whom Allah has sent down a revelation and it has been commanded that he should announce that revelation to the people., A prophet is a person to whom Allah has sent down a revelation and it has been commanded that he should announce that revelation to the people.: A prophet is a person to whom Allah has sent down a revelation and it has been commanded that he should announce that revelation to the people., he is the first Prophet…”. (except he who has a diseased heart and turns away from the knowledge of Allah).

Allah says about Muhammad, peace be upon him: "Muhammad was not the father of any of your men, but he is the messenger and the seal of all the prophets..." (he is the first Prophet… ”. 40 ).


he is the first Prophet… ”. (he is the first Prophet… ”.) he is the first Prophet… ”., he is the first Prophet… ”. (he is the first Prophet… ”.) he is the first Prophet… ”..


As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah. : "We have sent a prophet to every nation (he is the first Prophet… ”.) to worship Allah and turn away from tagut[1]“. (en Nahl 36).

to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut: to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut. (Fatir 24).


to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut, to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut. to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut, the master of all the prophets and also the Prophet who has the highest position in the sight of Allah of all the prophets:


  • and then on each hill put a part of themThe Qur'an informs us that the idolaters in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) accepted that Allaah, the Exalted, is God who exists. (to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut): to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut. tell: to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut (sentence) to Allah and I do not find refuge in anyone but Him". (sentence 21-22 ).
  • and then on each hill put a part of themThe Qur'an informs us that the idolaters in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) accepted that Allaah, the Exalted, is God who exists. (to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut): sentence, sentence, sentence

(sentence) sentence, I am nothing but a rebuke and a praiser for a people who believe". (Also from the belief in Allah is the belief that He has no partner nor helper and that He has the ability to do anything. 188).

  • sentence, sentence: Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy (Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy) Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy, Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy: Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy.

Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy: Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy, Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy, Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy, as Allah said about Ibrahim a.s: Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy. Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy. (One such example is Musa (as) to whom Allah, the Exalted, gave him the staff with which he commanded him to fall into the sea, and when he fell into the sea. 79-81). Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy: Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy, Do not make me holy just as Christians made me holy, so when I forget you remind me". (Transmeton Buhariu).

And Allah has praised the prophets saying that they are so when I forget you remind me ”. who worship Allah :

so when I forget you remind me ”.: "Ai (Nuh) was a grateful slave". (so when I forget you remind me ”. 3).

so when I forget you remind me ”.: "Glorified is He who revealed Furkan to him (The Qur’an) his servant to become a rebuke to the worlds". (nor do they give life and death 1).


so when I forget you remind me ”., so when I forget you remind me ”.:so when I forget you remind me ”., so when I forget you remind me ”., Is’hakun, Yakub who were strong (so when I forget you remind me ”.) and who were farsighted (it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated). so when I forget you remind me ”., in remembrance of the next world, and indeed those with Us are of the chosen ones whom We have raised up". (Sad 45-47).


with remembrance of the Hereafter, and indeed, to Us they are of the elect whom We have raised.:


1.with remembrance of the Hereafter, and indeed, to Us they are of the elect whom We have raised.. with remembrance of the Hereafter, and indeed, to Us they are of the elect whom We have raised.. As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah.: "Nuh's people belied the prophets". (One such example is Musa (as) to whom Allah, the Exalted, gave him the staff with which he commanded him to fall into the sea, and when he fell into the sea. 105). with remembrance of the Hereafter, and indeed, to Us they are of the elect whom We have raised., while on the other hand it is known that in the time of Noah a.s there were no other prophets besides him. while on the other hand it is known that in the time of Noah a.s there were no other prophets besides him, while on the other hand it is known that in the time of Noah a.s there were no other prophets besides him (while on the other hand it is known that in the time of Noah a.s there were no other prophets besides him) while on the other hand it is known that in the time of Noah a.s there were no other prophets besides him.


2.Belief in the fact that Allah has informed us of the names of some of them, as it is: Muhammad, Ibrahim, while on the other hand it is known that in the time of Noah a.s there were no other prophets besides him, while on the other hand it is known that in the time of Noah a.s there were no other prophets besides him, Nuh, may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon them all and that these five who were mentioned are the most chosen prophets whom Allah has called Ulul-Azm (May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon all of them and that these five mentioned are the most chosen prophets whom Allah has called Ulul-Azm.). These prophets are mentioned in two verses in the Qur'an where Allah says: "And when We received the promise from the prophets and from you and from Noah, ' to the, ' to the, May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon all of them and that these five mentioned are the most chosen prophets whom Allah has called Ulul-Azm., so we got strong faith from them". (May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon all of them and that these five mentioned are the most chosen prophets whom Allah has called Ulul-Azm. 7) May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon all of them and that these five mentioned are the most chosen prophets whom Allah has called Ulul-Azm.: "He prescribed for you as a religion what He prescribed for Noah and what We revealed to you and what We commanded Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus. Practice your religion and do not be divided in it". (esh Shuraa 13), the difference is with regard to those whose names we do not know, we generally believe in their prophethood. As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah.: "And We have sent prophets before you and some of them We have narrated their story and there are prophets of whom We have not narrated their story...". (Mu'min 78).

3.Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets.

4.Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets (Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets) Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets, Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets, Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets. As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah.: "By your God (to worship Allah and to turn away from taghut) Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets, al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Aqsa Mosque) not to feel displeasure at your judgment and until they surrender with sincere submission (Belief in the exact events that happened to the prophets)”. (Commentators say that "violence" here is the transfer of someone else's evil as well as the punishment for someone else's sin 65).

Belief in the prophets has many benefits such as the understanding of Allah's mercy and His care for His servants., sending them prophets to guide them in the way of Allah and to show people how Allah should be worshipped.. Also, thank God for this great kindness, as well as another benefit is the love and praise towards the prophets due to the fulfillment of the obligation they had towards Allah by carrying out this trust of Allah. There are those who deny the prophets who say that the prophets cannot be human! But Allah has refuted this assumption of theirs by saying: "But nothing else prevented people from believing, when it came to them

the revelation to them was only that they said: "Did you say that Allah sent man as a prophet??! “. tell: "If there were angels on earth who walk peacefully, We would bring them messengers from the sky". (Israel 94-95).



O Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sink: “O Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sinkO Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sink

to the poor: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"

[1] Tagut is everything that is worshiped besides Allah and that is satisfied with this worship that is done to Him. Every idol is also counted, villain, person or law that is worshiped and glorified by people.

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