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All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman. (All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman.), All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman. (Out): “All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman., All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman.. All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman., All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman.” (All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman. 2-3) All the Companions and Tabiin and the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah who came after them agree that the deeds are from Iman. (trust), also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah "also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah "also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah " (also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah ")

also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah ", also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah ".

also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah ": also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah ", also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah ", one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ".

one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ": one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ", one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ".

one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ": one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ",one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ", one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ".

one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ", as narrated by Imam al-Bukhaari that he met more than a thousand scholars of his time all have said that faith is by word and deed and that there is no deed if there is no faith in the heart.

Këtë që e thamë është në kundërshtim me thëniet e sekteve të devijuara siç janë as narrated by Imam al-Bukhaari that he met more than a thousand scholars of his time all have said that faith is by word and deed and that there is no deed if there is no faith in the heartt dhe as narrated by Imam al-Bukhaari that he met more than a thousand scholars of his time all have said that faith is by word and deed and that there is no deed if there is no faith in the heart-as narrated by Imam al-Bukhaari that he met more than a thousand scholars of his time all have said that faith is by word and deed and that there is no deed if there is no faith in the heart. as narrated by Imam al-Bukhaari that he met more than a thousand scholars of his time all have said that faith is by word and deed and that there is no deed if there is no faith in the heart, as narrated by Imam al-Bukhaari that he met more than a thousand scholars of his time all have said that faith is by word and deed and that there is no deed if there is no faith in the heart.

Më poshtë do të sqarojmë se çka nënkupton definicioni të cilin e përmendëm në fillim dhe se imani është me zemër, Below we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart.

ÇBelow we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart?

Below we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart: Below we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart, Below we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart, Below we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart, Below we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart, Below we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart.

ÇBelow we will explain what is meant by the definition we mentioned at the beginning and that Iman is from the heart?

Fjalë me gojë don të thotë pranimi i të gjitha gjërave që kanë ardhur prej All-llahut dhe dëshmi e teuhidit, pra njohja e All-llahut si Zot të vetëm i cili meriton të adhurohet dhe njohja e Muhamedit si pejgamber të fundit dhe si vulë e pejgamberëve. Poashtu edhe besimi në të gjithë pejgamberët që kanë qenë përpara Muhamedit (Do they have partners who describe to them in religion provisions which Allah has not commanded?) . Në fjalët e gojës bëjnë pjesë edhe llojet e ndryshme të dhikrit siç është thënia SubhanAll-llah, elhamduli-Lah, All-llahu ekber, salavati mbi Pejgamberin, bërja e duasë etj.

Çka nënkuptohet me veprat e gjymtyrëve?

Këtu bëjnë pjesë të gjitha veprat e gjymtyrëve të cilat ka urdhëruar All-llahu që të bëhen dhe mbi të cilat është ndërtuar Islami siç është: Ritualet fetare të pastrimit siç është gusli apo abdesi, më pastaj falja e pesë kohëve të namazit, agjërimi i ramazanit, dhënia e zekatit dhe shkuarja në haxh kush ka mundësi. Këtu bëjnë pjesë edhe të gjitha veprat vullnetare me të cilat shtohet imani dhe mosbërja e veprave të ndaluara me të cilat pakësohet imani. Pra edhe mosbërja e një vepre quhet vepër, siç është për shembull heqja dorë prej amoralitetit apo alkoolit është vepër e mirë dhe kështu me radhë.

Thotë ibnul Kajjim (Commentators say that "violence" here is the transfer of someone else's evil as well as the punishment for someone else's sin): one does not stand if the other of these three is missing ", ndërsa fjala është fjalë e zemrës dhe fjalë e gojës, ndërsa vepra është vepër e zemrës dhe vepër e gjymtyrëve”.

Pra kjo qartëson se ai i cili e njeh All-llahun me zemër dhe atë nuk e vërteton me fjalë, atëherë ai nuk ësht besimtarë, ashtusiç ka thënë All-llahu për Faraonin dhe miqtë e tij “Pra ata i mohuan (argumentet), edhepse ishin të bindur në vetet e tyre” (en Neml 14). Prej këtu shihet se ai popull e kanë thënë me zemrat e tyre, pra kanë patur dituri dhe njohje, por All-llahu vetëm me këtë nuk i ka quajtur besimtarë.

Poashtu i njëjtë është edhe halli i atij i cili e shpreh me gojën e tij besimin, mirëpo zemra e tij nuk beson, edhe ky llogaritet jobesimtarë-munafik.

Poashtu i njëjtë është edhe ai që beson dhe këtë besim e shpreh me gojë, ndërsa në vepër nuk praktikon këtë besim , sepse bindja ndaj All-llahut duhet të jetë e brendshme edhe e jashtme që duket.

Pra të tri komponentat që i përmendëm: zemra, goja dhe gjymtyrët janë të varura prej njëra tjetrës, this is happening to me (Do they have partners who describe to them in religion provisions which Allah has not commanded?) : “Me të vërtetë në trupin e njeriut ka një copë mishi, nëse ajo është e mirë, i tërë trupi bëhet mirë, dhe nëse ajo prishet, i tërë trupi prishet, e ajo pjesë është zemra”. (also as it has come in the hadith narrated by abi Hurairah ")

from: AbdurRahman Mahmuud

to the poor: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"

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